Doris Padilla

18 reviews
Lecture heavy Lots of homework Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Hilarious Caring Test heavy Graded by few things Accessible outside class Online Savvy
Past quarters


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PSTAT120B . 9 Months Ago

Did not cover all the material we are supposed to learn in 120b. Grading is fair but she messed up my letter grade and refuse to correct it.

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PSTAT120B . 11 Months Ago

Does not teach a thing. So I moved on to 122 and 126 with no useful 120b knowledge. Painful experience.

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 28 Days Ago

Professor Padilla was a great instructor, she really cared about helping her students do well and learn. I spent a lot of time with her in office hours, and that helped me further understand the concepts. Midterm 2 covers the grade for midterm 1, final was take home, and there were weekly pop quizzes. Homework was optional

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 28 Days Ago

Great class, learned a lot. The exams were based on homework questions and lecture topics, not too bad. Final exam was take-home! Pretty easy to get an A

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 28 Days Ago

Most of the questions in Professor Padilla's two midterm exams come from slight modifications to the homework or the textbook examples mentioned in the lectures. The final exam is a take-home exam, just submit it before the deadline. She really wants everyone to pass this class

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Absolutely painful experience sitting through her lectures. There is not one problem that goes without her confusing herself doing the problem, or messing up the process of deriving the solution. You can't differentiate between moments where you are misunderstanding something, or it's just her messing up. Extremely difficult to listen to.

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Hard exams, lenient grading. The curve really saved my grade. Overall, not a bad prof. She had pretty clear explanations, and really useful in office hours.

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PSTAT120B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Doris is the best TA I've had ever at UCSB - definitely try to get her sections if possible.

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

Lectures were long and heavy. Homework was difficult to understand and she never went over it. Quizzes were short problems from lecture and homework. Section is mandatory. Used iClicker for lecture. Finals were in person and long and difficult. I struggled and barely passed the class, so definitely find a buddy and ask for help when you need it.

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

Professor Doris was a very nice professor and the course was very manageable. However, I had a hard time understanding material in lecture because she would find errors within her own work. Additionally, she does not make her examples that are given in class, available on GauchoSpace for further understanding.

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

Great Professor. Really learned and enjoyed her course. Will take her again if I can.

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

She was consistent throughout the whole quarter and really approachable in office hours. Exam questions came directly from HW problems but lowest quiz grades were not dropped.

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