Chenhao Jin

8 reviews
Get ready to read Test heavy Lots of homework Tough grader Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Caring Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters


PHYS115A . 2 Years Ago

His homework is difficult, but doable. They are all from the textbook's exercise or modified versions. The difficulty is not from the professor but quantum mechanics itself. There are unexpected questions in exam. You have to use your concepts creatively to solve it. You have to be good at math otherwise this course is a disaster.

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PHYS115A . 2 Years Ago

LOTS OF HOMEWORK and he always finished teaching the topics on the day the assignment is due. Theres no relation between hw, lecture, practice final, and final. Accessable outside the class, but he's missing in last two weeks. You cannot avoid Professor Jin if you want to finishe 115 series, so good luck.

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PHYS115A . 2 Years Ago

You wont be able to write your homework until the day he finished his second lecture everyweek, leaving only 4-5 hours to do the homework. There's no relation between lecture, assignment, and finals. Prepare to be exhausted after you take the course.

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PHYS115C . 2 Years Ago

Prof Jin's course is of standard difficulty, or at least in terms of one of the most difficult and fast-pace courses here. His lecture notes are always fantastic and help you learn quantum. He might give difficult finals but he'll do curves. Sometimes his wording (in HW, lecture) is confusing, but you'll find it inspiring after getting his meaning.

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PHYS115C . 2 Years Ago

Terrible professor. Told a whole class of physics majors that they arent trying hard enough rather than stopping to question the quality of his own teaching

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PHYS115C . 2 Years Ago

Worst physics professor at UCSB by FAR!!! Super condescending and passive aggressive. News flash Mr. Chenhao if everyone does bad on your exam maybe you need to do a better job teaching instead of blaming your students. The exams are calculation heavy and don't give any physics insight; too many problems for midterm. The lecture are below subpar.

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PHYS115C . 2 Years Ago

Everyone did bad on the midterm and he told everyone that they were not learning well enough.

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PHYS115C . 3 Years Ago

Hes an okay lecturer, at least his notes are typed and readable. His exams are rather difficult and be prepared to read a lot to prep for exams.

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