Matt Richardson

5 reviews
Get ready to read Graded by few things Tough grader Lecture heavy
Past quarters


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FEMST 180 Richardson M Winter 2024 Total: 29
BL ST 170 Richardson M Fall 2023 Total: 61
FEMST 164 Richardson M Fall 2023 Total: 6
FEMST 185MR Richardson M Fall 2023 Total: 27
FEMST180 . Richardson M 2 Years Ago

Weekly forums, midterm paper, and final paper. Lectures were not mandatory but were helpful to understand the reading and get tips for papers. It was reading heavy, basically a (short) novel per week. However unless you are writing paper on that book, you can skim as we are not tested on them. Genuine, passionate, professor that I would recommend.

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FEMST80 . Richardson M 2 Years Ago

Professor Richardson's course is easy to pass even without attending class. Just go to section, read/skim the readings, post on the forums, and do the midterm and final. Most of his lectures were confusing because they didn't seem very organized but passing was still very easy.

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FEMST80 . Richardson M 3 Years Ago

very simple class, but if you value your education you will be extremely disappointed. almost every lecture consisted of about 15 minutes of mindless stumbling over random topics and then he would put on a sometimes unrelated video and leave the room. also only covered a few very niche topics for a class that's supposed to be an intro.

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FEMST80 . Richardson M 3 Years Ago

Terrible professor and class. Advocated for pedophilia and did not lecture well. You will read so much for very little in return.

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FEMST180 . Richardson M 4 Years Ago

Grade is broken down into forum participation, reading responses, and a midterm as well as a final paper. Super lenient with deadlines and understanding of COVID-related circumstances, but he does assign a lot of reading and lecture is mandatory so not very accommodating with that. Easy grader for reading responses/forums but tougher with essays.

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