Daniel Zanger

11 reviews
Graded by few things Tough grader Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Get ready to read
Past quarters


PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Lecture videos consist of 200+ word slides that Zanger reads off of word-for-word (very, very slowly mind you), and that were recorded almost a year ago. He also seems very unfamiliar with coding. Structure of class is generally disorganized with few assignments. You won't learn much (TA was much more helpful!), but you'll probably pass at least.

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Especially for an online class, I think synchronous stuff is really draining, so I really liked how he kept his assignments and quizzes really spaced out, his curve/grading is lenient but individual assignments and quizzes (graded by TA's) are super harshly graded. overall solid class if ur like me and like to learn more on your own and cant focus

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Dr Zanger is not good at teaching at all. The lecture slides have too many words, and he talks extremely slow sometimes. The only good thing about him is that his quiz is very easy since the questions are all transformed from the homework. Also he gives very long time for us to finish the homework and quiz. Easy A class, but seem to learn nothing.

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Awful professor. "Teaches" the material with jam-packed slides, and doesn't give any reference to access his R code. It also looks like he's never used R before when explaining the code, constantly running errors and just looking confused overall. He speaks at the speed of a snail, so 2x speed will be your best friend. Class itself isn't too hard.

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

bad instructor overall. Class was async and unorganized throughout. Doesn't post R code and Gauchospace page was a mess. Took over a week to respond to emails and assignments took about 3 weeks to grade. Final had a long window and was reasonable. Drops lowest between hw/quiz. 6 assignments make up the whole grade. Try to take someone else if u can

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Couldn't follow his lectures. Didn't publish his R code. I relied heavily on TA's for conceptual and practical help in this course. Disappointing for such an important course in the major. However, grading wasn't bad--we were only graded on 7 things (3 HW, 3 quizzes, final) with the lowest HW/quiz dropped. Take-home final had generous window.

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

The upside to taking 126 with Zanger is that he makes his quizzes relatively straightforward and the final exam open book with reasonable time limits. Hw assignments are somewhat long, but few.. The quality of his teaching isn't great though because he only reads off the densely packed lecture slides. Easy to get an A, hard to learn anything useful

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PSTAT160A . 3 Years Ago

I had taken more than 50 classes for undergrad and I have to say it's the worst class ever. He just read off slides and leave student with not understanding what the hack is he talking about. Unclear instruction for the problem on quiz and exam and grader is also sucks this quarter

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

The worst lecturer I have ever seen! He does not have an ancient but he stops all the time while talking (pauses several times in a sentence) and seems doesn't know English! His lecture is very boring and around 200 words per slide. He will read off from lecture slides with the exact same wording which makes me difficult to follow. Just avoid him!!

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

PSTAT126 is unorganized. Lecture slides go on tangents and all the TAs are teaching different material (code is different from lecture). He obviously does not communicate with them. I understand the online switch makes teaching harder, but the course should not be this terrible. There currently is no grader, so we're on week 5 with no grades in.

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PSTAT126 . 3 Years Ago

Daniel is not a good lecturer at all. Boring lectures. The homework he assigned did not accurately reflect the material/concepts from lecture. Very vague and unhelpful during office hours. Avoid!

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