Jessica Nakamura

8 reviews
Clear grading criteria Get ready to read Caring Respected Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Graded by few things
Past quarters


THTR2B . 2 Months Ago

TAs are kind and grade very generously. There is no midterm, just weekly online quizzes and paragraphs each week. Go to lecture and write down everything on the slides for the quizzes. You only need to do the primary readings. Final at the end is in essay format but hopefully you should have a near 100 in the class that you won't have to worry.

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THTRW2B . 2 Months Ago

Short quizzes every week, but if you go to class and take notes, you will do well on these quizzes. The paper assignment is not bad, TA's are also very helpful. Many readings but most of them are fun to read. Overall, a enjoyable class for GE and you can actually learn things for Asian performance forms.

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THTR2B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Easy class if you write down everything presented on slides during lecture. Make sure to at least read the plays. readings that provide background on a performance aren't as important. Try to relate what is learned in lecture to how it is exhibited in the reading. Make sure to do all the assignments as they can be easy to forget to do.

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THTR2B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Dr. Nakamura is so friendly and sweet. The content of the course that is covered is also very interesting. There is A LOT of reading to be done in order to get a good grade in the class but most of the reading is quite interesting. Short quizzes every week, midterm essay, and the final were not that bad though! Highly recommend her and this course!

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THTR188D . 2 Years Ago

Mrs.Nakamura is very passionate about theater and really cares about her students.The class felt like a huge discussion where you go over readings. There was light homework and a few easy in class quizzes. Overall this was an easy A class that I enjoyed. Take her if you can!!

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THTRW2B . 2 Years Ago

Dr. Nakamura's lectures were very clear and she was extremely helpful during office hours. Although there is a lot of reading needed to be done to be successful on the quizzes, but they are not difficult reads. Two essays were the majority of the grade, so doing good on those is the goal.

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THTR2B . 4 Years Ago

Professor Nakamura is so nice and seems to really enjoy the topics she teaches about. In THTR 2B, you cover a lot of unique area of history not normally covered in a general history course, which is interesting. Basically in the online version you read a play and watch her lecture videos each week. Main assignments are short quizzes/short write-ups

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THTR2B . 4 Years Ago

Dr. Nakamura is sweet and truly cares about her students. Took this class as a GE and it was a breeze as long as you do the work. The weekly intro videos are important because that's when you find out which things to focus on when doing readings/watch documentaries

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