Jennifer Amador

5 reviews
Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Lots of homework Tough grader So many papers Lecture heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


CHST1C . 2 Years Ago

very unspecific when giving assignments and a harsh grader for no reason

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OLELEMSPAN1 . 3 Years Ago

Had Jennifer fall and winter quarter online for SPAN 1 and 2. I thought she was pretty good, the class wasn't very difficult. She does speak in basically only Spanish during class, but the powerpoint gives you context clues and it's not very difficult to understand your assignments and do well. Easy pass.

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SPAN1 . 3 Years Ago

Not a great professor. This class was completely built on participation as lecture is basically useless and is of no real help, but you are still forced to sit there and waste your time because a large chunk of your grade is based on attendance. Just a bunch of busy work, The book is the only thing you will learn from if you take Spanish w Jennifer

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SPAN1 . 3 Years Ago

Shes a harsh grader. I asked her a question after the final and said shes not gonna look at anything because its winter vacation ????? Unprofessional. Take with another prof!!!

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SPAN1 . 3 Years Ago

Jennifer is a nice person, but her class is very frustrating. Oftentimes, you can check for assignments in the morning and there will be none, but later a new assignment will pop up that is due that same day as well, so you have no way of knowing it is due, so that with her policy of not accepting late work screws you over. Take SPAN w a diff prof

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