Anna Wald

6 reviews
Clear grading criteria EXTRA CREDIT Accessible outside class Get ready to read Participation matters Gives good feedback Caring Lecture heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


FEMST180 . 2 Years Ago

She is a chill professor and is really easy to talk to. I had her for GSS 100 and it was an 8am, but it was worth taking!

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FEMST180 . 2 Years Ago

Anna is an excellent prof. who was a pleasure to learn from! Her class is easy to do well in if you put the work in- she definitely wants her students to succeed! I took her Intro to Gender & Sexuality (no course code available) @ Bates College and it was a wonderful class.

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WGS300 . 3 Years Ago

Super chill, every week we have readings and need to respond in a discussion forum but its simple

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FEMSTW20 . 4 Years Ago

This class was super easy. The workload was minimal, and there was even one simple extra credit forum. I liked that the textbook (it's cheap don't worry) mentioned Isla Vista and UCSB. The course was interesting, as well. Dropped my 5 to a 4 because there was a reading that defined sex as "consensual or non-consensual." It was very distasteful.

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FEMST180 . 4 Years Ago

Anna made it manageable and relevant to today's world. Weekly forums of 300 words and sometimes a 150 response to peers, two writing assignments, and a final project/paper. Pretty easy, I don't read so I skimmed readings but it worked for me. She is VERY understanding of deadlines, so just ask. Also gave us a break week cause of the election!

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FEMNSTW20 . 4 Years Ago

Lectures gave clear insight into the topics covered in the given week. They provide a helpful overview and she leaves hints for the quizzes in the lectures. Very knowledgeable about feminism. Relatively easy to get a good grade in the class provided that you turn in the work on time and understand the general concepts.

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