Jeremy Badger

3 reviews
Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Tough grader Lots of homework
Past quarters


PHYS3L . 4 Years Ago

Horrible man. Even during online learning, he's making lab times mandatory. He says you have 5 days to turn in your lab report, but doesn't let you leave unless you turn it in. Blasphemous! More unreasonable expectations: lets you only submit lab once where all other classes let you resubmit until deadline, picky about how to write your email, etc.

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PHYS3L . 4 Years Ago

Makes students stay during the entire lab duration (3 hrs) despite making the lab reports due 5 days later. Any professor who demands synchronous attendance is a joke and is truly insulting during our unprecedented times. Why should we have to do the lab + grind out our report throughout those 3 hrs when we have other due dates for other classes?

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PHYSICS6AL . 4 Years Ago

Badger imposes harsh requirements for emailing TAs & impossible standards in my opinion. we had a lab and were separated into breakout rooms and no one told us that we had to remember the name of the person in the room with you, to put on your lab report. Also said he wont respond to emails if you don't follow a list of like 30 things before emails

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