Sunpeng Duan

6 reviews
Participation matters Lecture heavy Test heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


PSTAT5A . 1 Year, 15 Days Ago

I learned more through studying the homework assignments and section worksheets than his lectures, so attend sections. There were four different ways on how much each exam is worth of your grade, which helped. It was also irritating how the attendance was taken at random lectures and section, but it is a relatively small percentage of your grade.

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

PSTAT 5A was a really nice class with Professor Duan. The class is section heavy and has 2 midterms. Duan and section does prepare you pretty well for them. Make sure to do the practice exams to prep

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PSTAT5A . 2 Years Ago

Professor Duan was so sweet and thorough. He let us go a couple of minutes early sometimes because the 8 am lecture was so early! He took notes slowly and ensured everyone was understanding and paying attention. He also would ask if he was being clear enough or we needed extra help. The coding labs were slightly difficult to understand!

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PSTAT5LS . 3 Years Ago

The class was fine. He grades weird however. Its like he was experimenting with different ways to grade us each exam. Our 1st midterm, whatever we got was the score. The 2nd he rescaled by 20 points. The final was made out of 120 but scaled it down to 100. So if you got 103/120 you got 100% but if you got below a 100 you are stuck with that grade.

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PSTAT5LS . 3 Years Ago

You may be way better off just reading the book, lectures are hard to follow and dont cover nearly enough for what is on the exam. Kinda really screwed us over with our final exam grades by giving bonus points to the really smart kids and leaving the rest out to suffer. For an online class he does not respond to emails enough. Would not recommend.

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PSTAT5LS . 3 Years Ago

Doesn't respond to emails. The exams are hard. He changed final exam grades to out of 120 points whiles saying 100 is full points. Then he said if you got below a 100 then you are stuck with that grade but if you got above a 100 then you got 20 extra points. So, punish the kids that didn't do well and reward the kids who did better by a few points?

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