Very clear and easy to understand explanations. He genuinely cares about students' understandings of the material and does his best. Also is very patient and willing to make accommodations for people. The fact that all his exams are basically labs makes it nearly impossible to get below 100%like just run the code on you computer??? not hard lol
He's inexperienced and not great at explaining concepts, but willing to listen to student feedback. The labs were initially very time-consuming and difficult to grasp. After the 10+ hour midterm, he adjusted the grading scale and the difficulty of the labs and offered extra credit problems for up to an additional 12%.
This was his first time teaching CS24. Class grade consisted solely of labs and midterm (basically just a lab). The labs weren't always related to lecture material. Adjusted grading scale and made extra credit opportunities due to whole class struggling, I think next time around class will be structured better. Very open to class feedback. Good guy
This is his first time teaching CS24, so has no idea of what students our level should know. As previously mentioned, the second lab was on trie structures, while we never went over anything related in class. The midterm took me three days to do. Materials on the lab are rarely related to what he teaches in class and much harder than class material
Lectures dont really do a good job preparing for labs/tests. I think this is his first time teaching cs24 so he expects us to know more things and be better at this than we actually are. but besides that hes super helpful and willing to answer questions during office hours. Also will give extensions for labs / tests which not many profs will do
Our whole grade consists of just labs. For the midterm were given a lab, that lab is submitted through the autograder on gradescope. What you get on the autograder is what your grade is. The autograder gives 0 feedback so u can spend 20+ hours working and know nothing. Labs are also much harder than lecture material and a lot is expected from you.
The lack of material is CS24 is kinda horrifyingbefore we even learned linked lists he jumped into Trie structures (before trees). There are no slides in his lectures, no homework assignments, no coding examples, etc. He just speaks vaguely and expects you to understand what to do on lab assignments. I would never take another class with him.
If you had a tough cs24 experience on labs, this course is much easier and much manageable. The labs are very easy. You might need to read a lot for homeworks though, but they're very helpful. Answers a lot of technical details if you do the readings carefully. Would definitely recommend this course.
Good lecturer. Instead of exams, he did a midterm coding project and a final coding project which were of reasonable difficulty. Very laid back guy, willing to give extensions. The homework does not really reflect what's taught in lecture for the week, so you might have to read a lot but it is manageable. Labs were definitely challenging but doable
His lectures are understandable and easy to follow. He covers the material very well. The labs and homework are easy and quick to do, but there is quite a bit of reading. He did live lectures which he also recorded
Professor did a great job considering online circumstances. Good lecturer and was very clear with examples. Clear grading criteria and very accommodating for the COVID situation.
Overall a fantastic teacher, doesn't overcomplicate anything never had any issues with the homework but for those that did he was always quickly reachable on piazza.