Adele Doyle

3 reviews
Test heavy Tough grader Get ready to read Lots of homework
Past quarters


ME15 . 4 Years Ago

Lectures weren't helpful, better to just read the book. Tests were way harder than homework, which covered material in lecture 2 hours before it was due . Didn't accept feedback until most students were almost failing. Midterm average was about 65% after she cut the amount of possible points in half because it was so hard.

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ME15 . 4 Years Ago

First time teaching the class and it was obvious. Didn't seem to know the material that well. Exam questions were not tremendously difficult but far too long for the time given. I needed to read the textbook and seek outside help (good TAs) in order to understand the material. Homework questions frustratingly difficult at times, others easy.

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ME15 . 4 Years Ago

Do not take this prof. Very bad. It's clear she doesn't take being a professor serious. Always mistakes on exam and never clear. About 50% of the final was not discussed in lecture or homework. It was a joke. On top of that she is a bad lecturer. Drowns you in detail, doesn't point out the important concepts. I regret not taking ME15 in summer.

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