Satyajit Singh

27 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Group projects Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Caring Participation matters Inspirational Respected Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Test heavy Tough grader Gives good feedback Lots of homework Hilarious So many papers Graded by few things
Past quarters
POL S 140
60 / 60 Full
Water Politics
Satyajit Singh 4.0
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
52.5% A
POL S 196
3 / 10 Enrolled
Senior Seminar in Political Science.
Satyajit Singh 4.0
15:00 PM - 17:50 PM
73.9% A
3 / 15 Enrolled
State Capacity
Satyajit Singh 4.0
15:00 PM - 17:50 PM
100.0% A
See All
POL S 594SC Singh Satyaj Spring 2024 Total: 6
GLOBL 2 Singh Satyaj Winter 2024 Total: 205
GLOBL 2 Singh Satyaj Winter 2023 Total: 244
POL S 140 Singh Satyaj Fall 2022 Total: 59
See All
GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 16 Days Ago

Really a great professor - you can tell he loves what he does. The TAs were also awesome and so helpful. Study hard for the midterm and final bc it's basically your whole grade but professor and TAs give you the tools and help to succeed.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 19 Days Ago

Great class overall, lectures can get a bit boring, exams are straight forward and pretty simple if you actually study. TA's are very helpful and lowk funny.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 19 Days Ago

He is a sweet man but sometimes the lectures just get too boring and I lose focus but it is a fun class and I would take again.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 20 Days Ago

He has a very thick accent so its hard to understand him sometimes. His slides don't relate to what he talks about. A lot of reading but I never did it because there's no homework. A lot of the final and the midterm were common sense. The TAs are great but they clearly don't agree with a lot of his practices.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 7 Months Ago

Professor Singh is such a passionate lecturer! This class was engaging and interesting (you get extra points for attending the guest lectures). Please please go to his lectures towards the end of the quarter! There were maybe 30-45 people there towards Week 6-10 and it's so disappointing :( I can tell that he loves his job

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 9 Months Ago

For the final, we had to hand write a 1000 word essay along with 25 multiple choice questions in 1 hour and 15 minutes since he had the test on week 10. I would not take this class again for that reason. Other grades were 1 midterm, 2 section presentations worth 10% in total and section attendance worth 10%. Overall interesting class.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 9 Months Ago

So much reading! It's actually crazy. Avoid this class if possible because it was about 150 pages of reading a week. The professor assigned way too much for a lower division introduction class.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

great professor

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Really disliked this course. Enrolled to learn about the processes of globalization, but the vast majority of the class was concerned primarily with economics and subject matter which was not engaging whatsoever. Lectures felt like they dragged on forever. Mandatory attendance for sections. Assignments were easy enough, but avoid this class.

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GLOBL2 . Singh Satyaj 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Singh is a really nice, approachable guy. Lectures were hard to keep up with sometimes, and there are a lot of assignments -- forum posts, two news assignments, 3 short answers, and a short essay. Along with midterm and final, both of which were multiple choice. Do the readings, they will help you a lot!

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PS140 . Singh Satyaj 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

An EXTREMELY wonderful professor, who has clear grading criteria and motivates you to research things you like. You will definitely learn a lot if you're willing to chat with him in his OHs. And if you just want to get a good grade, you will be fine as long as you really put in your effort and thinking. Best prof I've ever had honestly

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PS140 . Singh Satyaj 2 Years Ago

This class had no exams and the grades were determined by a few short essays FRQs and one larger research project. The lectures were a mixed bag of interesting and boring, but overall the class is pretty easy and definitely very doable. Singh is a great guy and you can tell he is really passionate and knowledgeable on the subject matter.

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