Adrienne Tsikewa

7 reviews
Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Tough grader Clear grading criteria Lots of homework Test heavy
Past quarters


LING20 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I went to Adrienne's office hours after receiving a poor score on the midterm and she laughed in my face every time I asked her a question. Her sections are disorganized and she pauses for long periods of time during her lectures, which seems to me that she does not know the content of the class very well.

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LING20 . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Just like many reviews, I can unfortunately confirm she's a poor lecturer. Incessant amount of pausing, stuttering, and fragmented sentences. Wording of questions during exams can be convoluted, confusing. TA was awesome. Much of the class can be passed using common sense. Found taking lots of notes (both inside & outside of lecture) helpful.

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LING20 . 2 Years Ago

I wasn't in love with this class, nor this TA, but she certainly showed up and did what she needed to. I think these reviews are harsh, she clearly cared about the subject, answered all questions without making students feel bad, and was very reachable by email. I would give her a chance!

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LING20 . 4 Years Ago

It is evident that Prof Tsikewa is very passionate about linguistics, yet she struggles to relate it into a way that other people can understand. Her lectures and her slides make little to no sense, but the book is really helpful. It is a lot of reading but you can get by without having to deal with her confusing lectures if you do it!!

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LING20 . 5 Years Ago

Very passionate but can't translate this into a good lecture. Rambles on and on without getting a clear message across and randomly starts laughing at her own jokes. The TA's are a blessing and the book is all you need. Weekly assignments are doable by looking at the textbook and the slides, but the difficulty of these does not match her teaching.

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LING20 . 5 Years Ago

I find the content of this class to be pretty difficult, and Professor Tsikewa somehow manages to simultaneously ramble on and on while also rushing through content at the speed of lightning. She does not explain the content very well, and I have not felt prepared for any of our assignments. She seems nice and all, but not the best professor.

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LING20 . 5 Years Ago

Worst teacher I've taken in my college career. Her lectures make little to no sense. She speeds through slides and is not capable of answering clarification questions. She does not have a comprehensive understanding of what she is trying to teach. She does not make herself available for helping students. Course material is easy enough, avoid her.

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