William Thompson

10 reviews
EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Caring Get ready to read Hilarious Respected Lecture heavy Amazing lectures Gives good feedback
Past quarters


HIST2B . 4 Years Ago

Super chill and funny. Hw is kinda annoying but doable and he makes the class interesting. Midterm and final were extremely easy you don't need to study. Extra credit is given sometimes for attending lecture

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

Overall, Professor Thompson is a good professor. Although the lectures were boring and dense at times, he did try really hard to make them engaging with games, guest lectures, and videos. The midterm and final were both easy, but the paper on Perpetua's Journey was confusing (though not difficult). There's a 4% bonus to your overall grade though!

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

Somewhat boring lectures punctuated by occasional solid bits of humor. Somehow seems to be simultaneously fascinated and bored with the material. Fell asleep quite often, but history classes often do that.

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

he is a funny guy but his lectures are a bit boring (maybe cuz I'm personally not interested in history) and there is a lot of reading and writing, but his instructions and grading criteria are very clear and he is very organized.

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HIST2A . 4 Years Ago

Not a bad professor, just was not my style. Caring guy but boring lectures. Not a difficult class. Textbook required and extremely annoying inquisitive worth 10% of your grade due every week (my personal downfall). Midterm short IDs, long paper and final online due to covid19. 4% Extra credit offered from four in-lecture questions showing you went.

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HIST2B . 4 Years Ago

Thompson is the best professor I've had at UCSB so far. He gives very clear lectures and does not expect an unreasonable amount of reading outside of class. His online homework is not that bad, and it is a good study tool.

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HIST2B . 4 Years Ago

Professor Thompson is the best professor I've had during my time at UCSB. His lectures were interesting and he often times provided extra credit in lecture as a motivator to come to class. For both the midterm and the paper, he makes his expectations very clear. If you complete the reading as well as do some studying, its an easy A. Take his class!

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HIST2B . 4 Years Ago

Expectations are very clear. Content tested in the midterm and final was laid out and made clear beforehand. Attending the majority of lectures and doing the homework is enough to receive an A-.

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HIST2B . 4 Years Ago

He is such a respectful professor. He values attendance and sometimes gives extra credit for those who attend the class. About 60 pages reading every week with extra materials. The section is fun and sometimes presents by role play games invented by him. To understand the material you need to put plenty of time on it but it is always worthwhile.

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HIST140A . 4 Years Ago

Dr. T is a great professor. His lectures are sometimes shortened during class due to being previously recorded and added to gauchospace. at least in this class. During those times, excellent further insight is given to topics that are important for tests, as well as fun trivia that may be utilized as bonus questions on exams. fun prof and meme lord

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