jean beaman

9 reviews
Get ready to read Participation matters Lecture heavy Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Inspirational Graded by few things Tough grader EXTRA CREDIT Respected Test heavy
Past quarters


SOC128 . 6 Months Ago

Class structure is very easy 3 quizzes and 2 discussion papers and an extra credit assignment. Quizzes are 15 multiple choice questions on the textbook and lecture. 2 discussion papers are about the textbook reading 1 single spaced page maximum. Extra credit is simple writing assignment that gets you 10 extra credit points. There is a sign in sheet

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SOC128 . 6 Months Ago

Easiest class I took this quarter. It consists of 2 shorts papers (1 page non double spaced) and 3, 15 question quizzes. All online and open note. No final. Go to lecture bc the quiz questions are pulled from lecture slides. If someone says this class is hard I question how they even got into ucsb

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SOC126 . 6 Months Ago

Not a nice teacher in general, quizzes are hard, and she just treats students like they are in middle school. She says if no one wants to answer, she will call on someone. You will get yelled at if you even think about sitting in the back row. Lots of readings every week, the quizzes are extremely difficult! Avoid taking her classes if you can.

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SOC126 . 7 Months Ago

The worst professor I've had at UCSB. She gives boring lectures, and she treats students like children. Hard quizzes and only three that makeup 60% of your grade. Quizzes are tough and are based mainly on the readings and not class. Readings can be upwards of 100 pages a week, and all my peers were failing her quizzes which reflects poorly on her.

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SOC126 . 8 Months Ago

This professor is very controlling and inconsiderate. Her material is all over the place and she mumbles through her lecture. The controlling part is the most important thing. Professor wants you to sit in certain seats, she would call you out if your not paying attention. We pay for a professor not a parent. Felt like i was in high school again.

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SOC128 . 2 Years Ago

Mumbles while giving lectures and is very hard to understand. Also not very considerate. There was a miscommunication based on a poor description of a class policy, when I addressed this she put words in my mouth and failed to consider the fault may be on her end, which was extremely frustrating.

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139RN . 3 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR. She is one of the worst professors at UCSB. She never responds to her emails and doesn't care about your grade. If you can take anyone but her take someone else. She is very monotone, and can't teach. Also, her TA is the worst. DON'T TAKE THIS CLASSSSSS!!!!

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SOC139RN . 4 Years Ago

Hands down best class/prof iv'e had at UCSB. Lectures are super interesting and engaging. Doesn't just talk for an hour, we have class discussions and watch short videos related to the material. Seems to actually care about teaching students and allows everyone to share there thoughts. As long as you come to class and take notes, you'll get an A.

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SOC139RN . 4 Years Ago

Course is based off 3 test and 1 essay. No additional homework other than weekly reading (an hour max). Textbook is an essay read. Lectures are very engaging. Wonderful teacher and very educational course.

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