Morgan Raven

29 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Test heavy Tough grader Get ready to read Lecture heavy Amazing lectures Caring Respected Accessible outside class Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Inspirational Lots of homework Gives good feedback Graded by few things
Past quarters
18 / 25 Enrolled
Organic Matters
Morgan Raven 3.1
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
52.0% A
0 / 5 Enrolled
Organic Matters
Morgan Raven 3.1
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
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EARTH 163 Raven M R Spring 2024 Total: 23
EARTH 270MR Raven M R Spring 2024 Total: 7
EARTH 194RS Raven M R Winter 2024 Total: 9
MARSC 595 Raven M R Fall 2023 Total: 0
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EARTH4 . Raven M R 3 Years Ago

shes very nice and gives you lots of chances, but a lot of little tasks

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 3 Years Ago

Professor Raven is just decent.; meh at best. She doesnt go above and beyond and just expects that her twice weekly online lectures will do the trick in regards to the midterm and final exam which they dont! Lots of very specific questions on concepts she barely touched over. The work its self is simply busy work and feels rather pointless.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 3 Years Ago

Prof Raven's passion is reflected in her lectures. There is a lot of filler work and the tests are slightly more difficult than the rest of the material (the case for most classes). I managed a decent grade with minimal effort BECAUSE I've taken geology/environmental classes before. It's not a difficult class but you do have to put in the work!

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 3 Years Ago

Don't know why people say this class is easy but it is not at all. The materials are boring and tons of heavy readings. You need to do all the readings yourself since her lecture won't help with the lab/quizzes. Look for another easier GE class if you can.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 3 Years Ago

Don't take her class if you are not required to. I've never taken a GE class that requires THAT MUCH of work. She wants you to basically read everything from the textbook to do the quizzes(which are really hard) and what she taught in class are NOT relevant to the quizzes. You will fail if you don't read.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

Prof Raven is very passionate about her work, which makes this class so enjoyable. Fascinating curriculum, easy lectures, fairly simple weekly assignments, a midterm, and a final. No curveballs on any assignments/exams, and always accessible outside of class. Highly recommend!

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

Her passion is extremely inspirational! However, this is not an easy A and I suggest only taking her class if you genuinely have an interest in biology.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

Appreciate her passion for the subject and the overall class was very interesting. Grading was flexible to accommodate students during this time. But the tests asked about a lot of very specific things so unless you take very detailed notes its going to be a struggle

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

Professor Raven is very vibrant and helpful. The contents are fairly easy, but her exams (30% of total ) are hard. However, 70% of the grade is almost free for students who do the work, so there are no immense pressure for exams. The lectures do not require mandatory attendance, which is catering for us during this difficult time.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

She was very enthusiastic which is great, she also has a terrific podcast. Deadlines are very consistent but, is very understanding when students have other situations pop up.

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

Though the class itself was pretty boring, she is very passionate and I respect that. Most of the points are designed for you to get full credit but the large exams are pretty specific and difficult. She is super accommodating for covid and the TAs are chill. She also offers extra credit for midterm and final in the form of a cheat sheet!

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EARTH4 . Raven M R 4 Years Ago

She is super enthusiastic and knowledgable about her subject area. She seems very friendly and approachable. I found lectures to be a bit fast paced and dense but that may just be due to online learning. The material is definitely reinforced by textbook readings.

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