Marie Webb

24 reviews
Tough grader Lots of homework Get ready to read So many papers Gives good feedback Test heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Caring Graded by few things Group projects Clear grading criteria Inspirational Hilarious Lecture heavy Accessible outside class
Past quarters
9 / 18 Enrolled
EMS: Academic English
Marie Webb 2.5
08:00 AM - 09:50 AM
9 / 18 Enrolled
EMS: Academic English
Marie Webb 2.5
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
2 / 18 Enrolled
EMS: Approaches to University Writing for Multilingual Students
Marie Webb 2.5
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LING 3A Webb M T Fall 2023 Total: 22
LING 12 Webb M T Spring 2023 Total: 11
LING 3C Webb M T Spring 2023 Total: 8
LING W 12 Webb M T Winter 2023 Total: 11
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ESL49 . Webb M T 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

An absolutely ridiculous amount of coursework for an English 100 class. Gives horrible feedback. Often does not grade properly. I've emailed her multiple times to correct my grade as she does not input it incorrectly. Assignments are abnormally lengthy and confusing.

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LING12 . Webb M T 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Professor Webb wants her student to learn something from her. There's abundant work each week, and you might easily forget one or more pieces since they were not due on the same day. I'm confused about her grading because I modified my paper by her instruction and still got a low 85.

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LING3C . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

Took her in last spring. Dr. Webb is enthusiastic about teaching. But the class is so overwhelming. She grades harshly and the assignments are confusing. One thing very annoyed is she insists people call her "professor Webb" while she is only a lecturer who has just earned PhD degree. super arrogant and entitled.

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LING3C . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

The course itself is VERY EASY but it is REALLY HARD to get an A- feels like everyone gets a B+ or A- but if you are trying to get a transcript with straight A- SKIP HER and RUN. tough grader

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LING3C . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

The worst linguistics professor I've met. So many mini tasks. The grades don't worth you to work so hard. She's such a busy professor that she can't read your paper during office hours. The only way you can edit your paper is CLAS. CLAS is much more useful than her office hour. A very strict professor. AVOID HER.

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LING12 . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

She is welcoming and passionate. But really a tough grader.

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LING141 . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

I've taken 2 classes (139 & 141) with Prof. Webb. You have to do the work in this class, read regularly and weekly blog. I hated the blogs, but it's so helpful for the discussions and the exams. The projects were fun. You get to apply what you've learned in the class. Webb is very enthusiastic and helpful. She really wants her students to succeed.

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LING141 . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

Ready to hang myself because of this class. The least considerate professor I've ever had at UCSB. Assigns and expects too much, but never give any helpful feedback at all. Still haven't gotten our grade from our 2nd midterms but we're already doing our final test (not a final exam according to her but it's looooong AF) TODAY. FML and this class.

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LING141 . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

Takes attendence every class. Tests are worth a lot. Doesn't seem very understanding or help with workarounds to things even though students are struggling. Very knowledgeable in what she teaches though. Too much HW and reading where you will constantly need notes. Group Project is also a bunch of reading and then presenting to the class. :(

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LING141 . Webb M T 2 Years Ago

Wish I read reviews before I took her. Was a major req and took it as a last min class. BIG MISTAKE. I tried to go to her OH to let her know of my circumstances. It's COVID and ppl don't have housing/money so they have to work. Not understanding at all. Emails are cold. HW AND READING EVERY WEEK. TESTS WORTH 60%. My worst grade ever in LING.

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ESL49 . Webb M T 3 Years Ago

You'll need to do almost everything by your own. She has very bad attitude and rude sometimes. not very helpful to students. sometimes she even tries to ignore you.

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LING3C . Webb M T 4 Years Ago

Professor Webb is a tougher grader than average linguistics professors. Make sure you go to her office hours and ask for her advice. Easy-going outside of class. Only graded the midterm, final and two papers. Other works were all given 100 but weighted light. So writing good papers are extremely important.

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