Justin Tooley

8 reviews
EXTRA CREDIT Graded by few things Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Get ready to read Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Group projects Gives good feedback Caring Respected Test heavy
Past quarters


ECON137A . 5 Years Ago

Boring classes. He seems unsure about the material and presents the material in a confused way.

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ECON137A . 5 Years Ago

Unqualified teacher. Even confused HIMSELF in class. Worse accounting teacher ever!!!

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137A . 5 Years Ago

Underrated professor. I felt he taught very well, gave plenty of examples in class,gave a good amount of resources to practice on the material, fair tests, and was very nice. Now, he does make mistakes, but its really not a big deal. All in all, If u study a good amount, An A is totally attainable.

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ECON137A . 5 Years Ago

Professor Tooley is a genuine guy but lacks teaching ability. Countless careless mistakes during lecture examples and poor time-management in addition to the numerous empty promises when it came to grading. Be expected to learn the information on your own. Overall, pretty straight-forward class just read lecture slides and practice problems.

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137A . 5 Years Ago

not a difficult class. he's nice and looks out for his students, but you can tell teaching isn't exactly his specialty. he will sometimes go off on tangents about his wine business and the business world in general. that being said, exams are all multiple choice and not terribly difficult. do the homework and practice exams and you will be set

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137A . 5 Years Ago

He is a very nice man. This class is not difficult. If you read all slides carefully, do the problems on the textbook, and do the practice problems that he gives you before the midterm and final, you will get a better grade.

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ECON137A . 6 Years Ago

Midterm 35%, Final 65%. It was his first time teaching and he gave extra credit for answering questions in class: the top three students with most answers answered got 2 free points on the final. Very disorganized class, but that was because it is Tooley's first time teaching. Great real life examples. Never taking a three hour night lecture again

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ECON137A . 6 Years Ago

Took Tooley for 137A for his first quarter teaching at ucsb. Honestly seems like a nice guy but hes just not good at teaching yet. Literally just reads words for word from slides for the whole 3 hour lecture and goes theough examples so ineffectively. The midterm is 35% and the finals the other 65% but if you teach yourself from the book youll pass

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