Angela Pitenis

5 reviews
Caring Inspirational Tough grader Get ready to read Gives good feedback Respected Lecture heavy Test heavy Graded by few things Accessible outside class
Past quarters
IQB 202
1 / 5 Enrolled
Biomaterials and Biosurfaces
Angela Pitenis 4.2
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
6 / 13 Enrolled
Biomaterials and Biosurfaces
Angela Pitenis 4.2
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
100.0% A
See All
MATRL 270 Pitenis A A Spring 2024 Total: 8
MATRL 101 Pitenis A A Winter 2024 Total: 129
MATRL 287T Pitenis A A Spring 2023 Total: 8
MATRL 101 Pitenis A A Winter 2023 Total: 121
MATRL101 . Pitenis A A 1 Year, 9 Days Ago

Good professor and passionate about material science. I do agree the lectures are boring. There is a lot of content to cover in the span of 10 weeks as well. Homework was always manageable and clear.

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MATRL101 . Pitenis A A 1 Year, 16 Days Ago

Professor Pitenis is super passionate about material science and is a great teacher. However, the material is pretty boring and it was very hard to get myself to pay attention and even go to lecture. I went to barely any lectures, and did pretty well on all the assignments. Overall the class is structured so that you'll do well if you try.

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MATRL101 . Pitenis A A 1 Year, 21 Days Ago

Professor Pitenis has such evident passion in her field, she is super accessible outside of class and really wants students to love materials science as much as she does. The class is fairly graded, it is just a lot of content to cover in 10 weeks, so lectures have to move fast.

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MATRL101 . Pitenis A A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Final was only 1 hour and 15 mins and was worth 45% of the grade. Additionally, not the professor's fault but the TAs are extremely slow graders, took them 12 days to grade the final and often over a week to grade hw. I felt the final exam wasn't cumulative enough. Homework is fairly easy but very hard to get 100% on.

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MATRL270 . Pitenis A A 6 Years Ago

Angela is great. She is knowledgeable about the subject matter and is very excited about teaching and it shows. She seems to want the best for her students and is really caring and approachable. I wish her the best and I hope to take another class with her in the future!

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