Roy Tania

16 reviews
Lots of homework Lecture heavy Tough grader Accessible outside class Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Hilarious
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PSTAT120B . 5 Years Ago

Roy is honestly a sweetheart and she's a decent lecturer. The reason I didn't do so well in this class was bc I had a very difficult schedule and didn't put in the time for the class. If I studied more I could have gotten an A. I literally crammed EVERYTHING the night before and managed to pass. It's not impossible but its definitely not easy.

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PSTAT120B . 5 Years Ago

This class is hard just because there is so much material to cover. She does a good job of explaining concepts but reading the book definitely solidified concepts for me. Homework and test problems from the book, so use those to study. Put in the work and you can get an A

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PSTAT122 . 5 Years Ago

Lengthy homeworks every week, and extremely long labs. Labs are done in R but the TAs aren't helpful at all with understanding the material or going over functions to use on the labs. Exams are also hard.

2 helpful 3 unhelpful
120B . 5 Years Ago

I enjoy her class. But exams are difficult.

2 helpful 7 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . 6 Years Ago

The class was fair. HW was not graded. There are weekly quizzes which help understand the material better. Lots of material to cover, try not to skip lecture. The final was fair, I realized later that every problem was solvable using the theory i learned in class. Logic. Intuition. Be very analytical for the final, trust your theory knowledge.

6 helpful 7 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . 6 Years Ago

She doesn't know how to design the exam. The midterm problems all come from homework. But the final is extremely difficult that you won't figure it out how to solve a single question. Besides, you have about 15 to 20 questions for your homework every week.

10 helpful 4 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . 6 Years Ago

I enjoy coming to Professor Roy's lectures. There is always something new to learn. She is there to help students, so ask questions if you feel lost. She is really nice and intelligent. Some lectures tend to go fast, but I think it is probably because there is so much to cover. Overall, the class is fair. Do the HW. Review your 120A and Calculus.

3 helpful 45 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . 6 Years Ago

So the homeworks are fairly long but they aren't graded and help to prepare you for the quiz. 120B is dense so office hours are crucial. The midterm was very fair and resembled the homework. TLDR: difficult material (mostly first two weeks) and the homework reflects that, but do them and you'll finish your midterm feeling confident you did well.

4 helpful 20 unhelpful
PSTAT122 . 6 Years Ago

The class was full (104) at the start of the quarter, and after the drop deadline, has 32 spots available. My TA had every single kid in her office hours to help with the first "easy" homework. For her lab, she said each question (which had parts a-j), would take one line of code. 15 pages later, I'm starting to think she's lying. AVOID TANIA ROY.

12 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT122 . 6 Years Ago

You can't imagine how much the homework workload is. I spend two whole nights (7pm-3am) every week just working on her weekly homework assignments. She even assigned 2 assignments (hand-written hw and lab report written in R) for this week, so I'm gonna take four nights this week finishing 122's hw while still having 4 other classes to study.

14 helpful 2 unhelpful
PSTAT122 . 6 Years Ago

It is impossible to complete the HW. You need to write a "book" every week. Terrible lecture, terrible hw and terrible professor. Forgot to mention the lab work. OMG! Only reading the questions will take like an hour.

13 helpful 2 unhelpful
PSTAT122 . 6 Years Ago

Terrible lecturer. Taking any of her classes is NOT recommended. Her handwriting was okay to me, but her performance while lecturing was unacceptable. She was talking WAY TOO FAST, and she always gave much more information with just 14 pages of powerpoint slides than a lecturer with 54 pages...

11 helpful 2 unhelpful