Evelyne Laurent-Perrault

4 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria So many papers
Past quarters


HIST8 . 4 Years Ago

*COVID ONLINE* her lectures were long and had tons of information that she went by quickly. 2 papers, little assignments that vary, and a final paper. Class is disorganized, waited for emails every weekend to see what would be due that week and checked the syllabus for new updates. Assigns many readings and films at times.

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HIST8 . 5 Years Ago

tbh, i stopped going to lecture after week 4 because i felt like it was a waste of time. she is a nice lady, but her lectures are dry af. if you do all the readings (& get lecture notes from someone who takes thorough notes for the papers to get free analysis) & can write somewhat decently, you'll pass. also: no tests, only essays/writing responses

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HIST8 . 5 Years Ago

She is very passionate about the history of Latin America, but it doesn't translate well into her lectures; powerpoints are disjointed, full of typos, lots of information stacked on each slide yet she talks incredibly fast and doesn't post online. Tends to go off track as well. However, class is fairly straightforward and easy to get a good grade.

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HIST8 . 5 Years Ago

She was really interesting, and this class ended up being my favorite class I've taken so far. It helped that I had a good TA too, but Prof. Evelyne was really involved and passionate with her lectures and made sure to include interesting stuff. Reading is super important and there's a lot of writing involved

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