Blair Paul

6 reviews
Clear grading criteria Caring Lecture heavy Gives good feedback Test heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

great prof! Always on time; never late

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EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

Labs are hard and not well explained. They need to be understood also to do well on the lab final which is impossible - usually an okay curve though. A pretty average lecturer. Makes slides available online usually before class which is helpful.

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EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

Not the most interesting lecturer. Reads off of the slides mostly - I wouldn't usually listen and would copy notes from the slides. Really cares about his students and is nice and approachable, however.

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EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

Prof Paul gives straight forward lectures, lots of examples (pictures/diagrams/videos) + highlights key terms that will be on the tests. Midterm/final require heavy studying and are memorization based. Need to take labs seriously to do well, and lab final is HARD but in our case he curved it when he saw low grades were common.

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EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

Very difficult tests with specific questions on things that he barely mentions in lectures. You can get literally 100% on everything besides the midterm/final and still not get an A because his tests are just that difficult to study for & no curve. Would not recommend taking as a GE

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EARTH4 . 6 Years Ago

Teaches the class well and doesn't make things more difficult than they need to be. Labs can be a bit tough depending on your TA.

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