Nathaniel Craig

6 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework Lecture heavy Tough grader Amazing lectures Hilarious Caring Test heavy
Past quarters


PHYS150 . 1 Year, 16 Days Ago


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PHYS115A . 5 Years Ago

Prof. Craig is one of the hardest professors I've ever had but also one of the best. This class is extremely well-organized and the topics you need to know are clearly laid out for you; you just have to put in the work.

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115A . 5 Years Ago

QM is a difficult and dense subject but Craig made it more accessible and even entertaining at times. Lots of HW, pretty fair tests, curves heavily.

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PHYS115A . 6 Years Ago

His lectures were clear and well organized. He is really passionate about what he is teaching. Homework is extremely tedious and time consuming, and most of the material on the homework isn't found in the textbook (or if it is, it is made more complicated). Learned a lot, but never have worked so hard or long on problem sets in any other PHYS class

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PHYS115A . 6 Years Ago

Quantum is a tough subject and Craig tends to get bogged down in mathematical rigor, but if you take the time to study and go to Office Hours you should come out knowing the material really well. Lots of homework and long exams, but he curves heavily to account for this. As long as you put in the effort you should be fine.

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PHYS115A . 6 Years Ago

Lots and lots and lots homework. Be prepare to spend your life in the PSR. A lot of the concepts are not covered in the book, so you have to come to class. You will get stuck a lot, so be prepare to ask the TAs.

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