Nicole Filler

6 reviews
Get ready to read EXTRA CREDIT Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Would take again Gives good feedback Beware of pop quizzes Caring Lecture heavy Accessible outside class
Past quarters


POLS202 . 6 Years Ago

In all due respect her teaching methods were not in my interest. She would show slides and wouldnt slow down for people who were still writing. She excepts people to read 30pg chapters nearly everyday and expects us to rely on our book to study. The exams were fine if you studied a lot and the essays were difficult to understand due to no rubrics.

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PS162 . 6 Years Ago

Great professor, knowledgeable about urban politics, focused a lot on race politics in urban cities which was very interesting. All of the readings were posted online which was great, no textbook needed. Very approachable and not hard on the eyes, definitely recommend.

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FEM60 . 7 Years Ago

Prof Filler is a really caring and passionate teacher who inspired me to take more FEM classes. The readings are long but doable and the quizzes are not that hard. Her tests are very fair and her power points will help you do well on her tests. Her class made me more aware of the world although at the end, they did get repetitive.

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FEM60 . 7 Years Ago

The class material was very interesting, although the readings would often be very long and a bit difficult to follow. Pop quizzes throughout the quarter, so make sure to have the readings done. The paper we did was a lot of fun to write, as we got to connect personal experiences with concepts we had learned from the readings and lecture.

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FEMST60 . 7 Years Ago

This class def covers a lot and moves quickly. Also the first time this teacher taught the course but she cares about students and wants them to do well. Do the readings and come to lecture.

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FEMST60 . 7 Years Ago

Material is fairly easy to comprehend. Basically taught myself. The readings are all too similar-totally lost interest very quickly (and I usually enjoy fem studies). She isn't very good at lecturing- reads straight off the slides, packs so much on them, and has long pauses in between like every other word which throws everything off track.

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