Weston McCool

8 reviews
Test heavy Lecture heavy Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Inspirational Lots of homework Beware of pop quizzes Caring Graded by few things
Past quarters


ANTH180A . 2 Years Ago

McCool is to academia as Mike Richards is to jeopardy this is someone who is superficially charismatic but not much substance. Its clear the teaching material and his research was developed by, but unattributed to, other scholars

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ANTH121 . 4 Years Ago

The lectures were very packed with a lot of information and were very boring and hard to pay attention for the whole time. Luckily, the tests follow the information from lecture its just hard to remember everything.

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ANTH180B . 5 Years Ago

I won't lie, this class scared me, but Weston is very easy to listen to and very helpful. You can ask him questions during lecture, lab assignments, and I HIGHLY reccomend making use of office hours. Do not take this class as an elective though, he teaches it to prep anth students for grad school. If that is your goal, his insight is invaluable.

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ANTH121 . 6 Years Ago

The professor was a nice guy, but this was probably one of the hardest B's I've ever had to work for. For the tests, it's multiple choice and then written questions which he will give you a list of days in advance and he will choose a handful out of the group. This is not an easy class, but he is helpful. TA sections are VERY helpful also.

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ANTH121 . 6 Years Ago

I really thought McCool was an amazing professor. Super understanding about limitations and totally brilliant. Gives easy iclicker credit, and posts all short answer questions that will be on the exam beforehand. Final replaces midterm. Also the material is just super interesting and well lectured. Loved it.

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ANTH121 . 6 Years Ago

The class goes over plenty of concepts, but the tests are extremely dense and EXTREMELY DETAILED for a class that skims over the dates and other small things very quickly. LOTS OF MEMORIZATION!!! In my opinion, the amount of information to be memorize is overwhelming

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ANTH121 . 6 Years Ago

McCool's lectures were interesting but he is awful at explaining his material. You should bring a laptop just to be able to write down what is on the slides as he'll skip an average of 10-12 dense lecture slides. He rushes through each class, finishing an average of 15 minutes early. He's funny but that's about it. Finals are not curved either.

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ANTH121 . 6 Years Ago

He was a good lecturer and explained the concepts well, attendance in lecture and section is worth A LOT. Final is cumulative and replaces your midterm grade if you do better, which was nice. It was a hard class with a TON of reading but not impossible.

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