Zoe Liberman

83 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Test heavy Tough grader Clear grading criteria Graded by few things Amazing lectures Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Caring Accessible outside class Respected Get ready to read Inspirational Gives good feedback Lots of homework Online Savvy
Past quarters
PSY 156L
30 / 30 Full
Laboratory in Developmental Psychology
Zoe Liberman 3.2
11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
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PSY105 . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Really interesting lectures and content that was organized pretty well. Make sure to understand the experiments covered in lecture in addition to the other material. Exams were straightforward.

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Love this professor and this class. Lectures, quizzes, and exams were very well structured. As long as you understand the experiments and what they mean, you will do fine on the exams. The only complaint I have is that the article summary was graded super hard, but other than that I loved PSY 105 with Liberman.

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I think her lectures and slides were extremely interesting and I learned a ton from the weekly articles. The article summary was graded really hard but other than that, the tests were fair and the weekly quizzes are unlimited attempts. If you really study the lectures and articles, you will do fine on exams. The professor seems sweet too!

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Great professor and her lectures are so interesting, I'm surprised by all the negative reviews. As long as you go to lectures, it's an easy A. There are weekly readings but I never did them and still found both exams to be pretty easy. There are also three article summaries but you get full credit for two of them just by turning something in.

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PSYC105 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Literally awful to deal with. Good class tho

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PSY102 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Liberman is an awesome lecturer, people are rating poorly bc of their grade on the article summary, I turned mine late and got a good grade despite the points knocked. You have to practice, graded for completioin article summaries, if you actually try on those assignments, and revise, you should have no problem. Tests are fairly easy.

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Honestly, she is a very inconsiderate, unkind professor. Will not listen to your situations even though they are valid, and grades the article summary incredibly harshly (it's 20% of our grade!). While the material itself is straightforward, I would not recommend this professor to anyone

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Incredibly difficult professor to deal with. The class itself is fair, however, if you have any issues and have proper documentation of it she is absolutely awful to deal with. She is incredibly rude and does not understand even when you repeatedly try to explain. Does not respond to emails in a timely manner and when she does shes pretty rude.

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Super easy class imo, really interesting lectures and clearly very passionate about her work. You can take the quizzes until you get 100% and 2/3 writing assignments are graded only on completion. Highly recommend for psych.

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PSY105 . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Honestly I wonder if this class has changed significantly since these negative reviews, because the class is good now. Fair exams, two writing assignments, good lectures- and she seemed nice when I talked to her. Though I didn't really have any real issues or to go office hours, so take that with a grain of salt. No textbook, just studies to read.

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PSY105 . 2 Years Ago

Very interesting and interactive lectures. Genuinely enjoyed the class and thought her exams were reasonable. Her grading percentages were very fair and didn't completely rely on just exams.

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PSY105 . 2 Years Ago

Pleasant voice, easy lectures, organized, 1Midterm18%, ArticleReview19%, Final23%, participation w unlimited attempt quiz/DB. I got high B's on both tests and was able to pull an A. 2 short readings/week. Past lectures posted. Tests in person. Article summ. graded harder than should. Screenshot rubric frm practice review(disappears) for graded one.

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