Jarrett Golding

4 reviews
Gives good feedback Respected Clear grading criteria Inspirational Caring
Past quarters


COM205 . 3 Years Ago

A very good Professor. A fun class without stress but still can learn many. If you do all the projects (which are actually fun), you can get 1300 maximum; and you will get an A if you get over 950. So generally just enjoy the class and the lecture. The work amount is very reasonable. Prof. Golding has some real experience in film.

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FAMST188A . 6 Years Ago

Really great professor! In-depth and thoughtful lectures, clear and fair grading system, and really caring and engaged with student work. He genuinely wants to see you succeed and improve as a writer, and makes it very easy to succeed in his class. This class made me consider doubling in FAMST--that's how much I enjoyed it.

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FAMST188A . 8 Years Ago

If this professor could teach every film course, I would take every. single. class. He is young, smart and extremely kind. He will give you great direction with your script and encourage your original ideas even though you might think the worst of them. He is also not lazy and very professional.

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FAMST188A . 8 Years Ago

This professor is the key to your academic happiness. He expects what you put out and encourages you to be better through gradual improvements. He is respectful and its easy to respect him. Basically a decent human being and a brilliant professor.

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