Ben Manski

3 reviews
Lecture heavy Get ready to read Participation matters Amazing lectures Inspirational Respected Graded by few things
Past quarters


SOC173 . 4 Years Ago

last review before mine summed this professor up perfectly. lectures can get boring but he really does try to make the class interesting w topics that everyone should be aware of. participation grade was based on volunteering to speak up during lecture, or presenting group work. readings were long but reflections were 250-500 word max so not hard

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SOC185S . 4 Years Ago

Weekly hw, fairly easy. Lectures can be boring but he tries to make it interesting. Doesn't take attendance but he sometimes has us do group activities where we answer questions and turn it in for "attendance" credit. Whole class was scared we were gonna fail cause of the final even though it was open note. I got an A+ and tbh idk how. Take it!

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SOC185S . 4 Years Ago

Ben Manski is a great teacher who really cares about the material that he presents which is always exemplified throughout his lectures. His teaching style has never reflected that he comes to class simply for a paycheck which i have perceived in past teachers, he really cares about social movements and underprivileged and marginalized persons.

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