Tau-Mu Yi

8 reviews
Tough grader Get ready to read Participation matters Tests are tough Gives good feedback Caring Lecture heavy Test heavy
Past quarters
EEMB 509
10 / 25 Enrolled
Levels of Biological Organization II: Communities and Ecosystems
Tau-Mu Yi 3.1
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
95.1% A
MCDB 101B Yi T Winter 2024 Total: 155
MCDB 101A Yi T Fall 2023 Total: 129
MCDB 101B Yi T Winter 2016 Total: 252
MCDB101B . Yi T 10 Months Ago

He does iClicker but only need 80% of the participation points; also posts his recordings. Weekly problem sets (graded fairly) and have quizzes in section for completion. 2 midterms and final were very fair, focus on the problem sets and practice midterms he gives you. Pretty hard class but he made me like it

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MCDB101B . Yi T 11 Months Ago

He is definitely rated too low. I thought he was very clear in teaching the concepts and is very accommodating. I didn't open the textbook, as compared to 101A which I took with a different professor and had to read the entire thing. Time was an issue on both midterms and the second was harder than the first. Study problem sets and practice tests.

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MCDB101B . Yi T 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Did not take him for 101B but I had him for 101A. He was a fantastic teacher but OMG were his tests awful. He is super responsive to questions and helps however he can, but tests are insanely hard. Class average sat around 60% all year. First test was 75 minutes-19 pages, 9 of which were in-depth page long writing responses. No one finished in time

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MCDB101B . Yi T 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Wasn't the worst professor but he would over explain topics and sometimes confuse students. iClicker is used. Problem set every week as a homework assignment and self graded quizzes in section both prepare you for the exams along with practice midterms posted. Definitely review lecture slides.

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MCDB101B . Yi T 9 Years Ago

overall, he is a pretty good teacher and really nice. he is very straightforward about what he wants you to know and his tests reflect that. if you do the work and are able to answer problems quickly (his tests are long) then you should be fine!

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MCDB101B . Yi T 9 Years Ago

Yi is new to the school & doesn't seem to understand that the caliber of students at UCSB is much higher than his previous school. He oversimplifies concepts which is frustrating and causes confusion for students who think critically and beyond the level of intro bio. Tests are too long and do not reflect the practice problems he assigns

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MCDB101B . Yi T 9 Years Ago

Doesn't understand the material himself it seems, struggles to answer student questions. You will have to do most of the work on your own. Reads straight off slides, no point in going to class. Tests are not bad but he does not give nearly enough time. He is not willing to compromise at all, believes that the whole class just needs more practice

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MCDB101B . Yi T 9 Years Ago

This guy was new to USCB and he does not really know what he is doing. Reads straight off of powerpoint and doesn't explain well at all, but you have to go to class for iclicker quizzes. Makes tests so long that you do not have enough time to finish, majority did not finish by end of class. You will have to teach yourself. CLAS helps a lot.

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