David White

9 reviews
Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Respected Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Test heavy Tough grader Inspirational Hilarious
Past quarters


RS12 . 3 Years Ago

Very interesting lectures. Enjoyed my TA and section. The class itself is comparative religion (even if not stated in the course info).

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

He is a really awesome professor and super funny! I think his class was SO interesting, but be prepared because it is a LOT of info and the tests can be difficult. If you study and attend his review session then you should be fine tho. He also offers a sort of "extra credit" to those who fail the midterm which is very helpful.

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RGST12 . 3 Years Ago

Material is sorta interesting, but it can get very bland if you're not interested in religion. The textbook isn't really mandatory for tests, but you may need it when it comes to section. The class is heavy on memorization.

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RGST12 . 4 Years Ago

I signed up for this class because I thought it would be interesting. The subject matter is fascinating but Professor White was the blandest professor I have ever had. When I went to class I ended up just texting because I couldn't even hear him. To the point that I stopped going and just got notes from friends and taught myself. Nice guy tho.

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RGST12 . 5 Years Ago

This class is not an easy GE its interesting/challenging if you care about the content. The paper is super easy & he never checks for lecture attendance. Funniest anti Trump jokes, very knowledgeable teacher too! Look over images because some pop up on the midterm/ final. Overall, a fair course if you pay attention throughout the quarter.

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RGST12 . 7 Years Ago

fairly easy grading, the class isn't too difficult, just study images and terms for exams. paper isn't too bad--requires you to summarize a chapter or two. very straight forward but dry in lecture. just make sure you do the readings!!

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RGST12 . 7 Years Ago

White is passionate about his field, witty, and never misses an opportunity to diss Trump. You're graded on a midterm, section attendance, an essay/presentation, and a final. Multiple choice is tricky(pay attention during lectures/when he compares religions), free response is simply vocab, essay prompts for Final given to you. Super interesting!

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RGST12 . 7 Years Ago

He's one of my favorite people on this Earth. He's super funny, he makes his lectures super entertaining, and he encourages students to really speak their minds. I've gone to his office hours, and he's honestly a great guy. Only thing is that you have to go to lecture bc most of what he says is on the tests and he doesn't post slideshows online.

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RG12 . 8 Years Ago

Thought this would be a fun little GE. Boy was I wrong. Although interesting, this class was pretty tough and I really had to work to pass the class (pass/no pass). He's an interesting guy but sometimes the lectures can be pretty long and boring.

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