Gordon Abra

82 reviews
Amazing lectures Skip class? You won't pass. Get ready to read Hilarious Graded by few things Tough grader Respected Inspirational Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Accessible outside class Tests are tough Test heavy Caring Participation matters Group projects Would take again Gives good feedback EXTRA CREDIT
Past quarters
COMM 179
80 / 80 Full
Music Communication
Gordon Abra 3.9
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
43.8% A
3 / 10 Enrolled
Senior Honors Thesis
Gordon Abra 3.9
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
93.6% A
See All
COMM 179 Abra G J Spring 2024 Total: 84
COMM 181B Abra G J Spring 2024 Total: 7
COMM 150 Abra G J Winter 2024 Total: 73
COMM 177 Abra G J Winter 2024 Total: 76
See All
COMM142 . Abra G J 4 Months Ago

If you are not comfortable hearing his “bragging” about how much power he has as a rich, middle-age, white straight male; don't take this class! Also, he has sum very questionable viewpoints towards the underlying causes of SA/ rape cases. And he would mock students when they ask questions, which is not my type of humor. Overall, do not recommend.

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COMM142 . Abra G J 4 Months Ago

A professor who indulges in long-winded, irrelevant analogies that make his lectures drag endlessly. Offers almost no study materials for midterms, and refuses to use slides, forcing students to endure his convoluted teaching style with little support. Loves to argue and get personal with his students.

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COMM179 . Abra G J 6 Months Ago

COMM179 Music class. 1 midterm, 1 paper, 1 final. Combines the lectures/readings for exams. No slides and rants a lot of the time. Memorization is literally the only thing he tests, so you're good it comes easy to you. A lot of his lecture are just his opinion on things. Readings were interesting. I would never take one of his classes again though.

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COMM179 . Abra G J 7 Months Ago

Music comm course was super interesting lectures extremely engaging. He doesnt use slides & interacts with the class a lot which I loved. Graded on 3 exams (2 midterms & final) & 1 final paper. Dont take the course if you dont read you will do poorly. Readings are dense but start them early (no other homework). loved this class overall!

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COMM179 . Abra G J 9 Months Ago

Dr. Abra is a very intelligent professor, and cares a lot about the social sciences. His classes help me actually apply the knowledge I gain as a COMM major into the real world. His new class, Music Communication, was interesting, even though it had a few bugs. He expects a lot from his students, but those who do the work have a great experience.

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COMM177 . Abra G J 10 Months Ago

I loved legal communication with Professor Abra it was a really cool class and I learned a ton of cool stuff. Professor Abra is really funny and great at lecturing. Attendance isn't mandatory but he does not post the lecture notes so you should go to class.

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COMM150 . Abra G J 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

Professor Abra is by far one of the best comm professors I have had. He is so incredibly engaging and makes the class content he is teaching fun to learn. His grading criteria and what he expects from his students is very clear. If you do not go to class you wont do well on final or midterm. Readings need to be done. Very funny personality.

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COMM142 . Abra G J 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Classes are interesting, but he doesn't use slides, and veers off-topic so frequently that it is difficult to tell what is actually important. He didn't finish covering all of the material that was on the midterm, but still tested on it. Exams were multiple choice, final had an essay as well. He likes arguing with his students a little too much.

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COMM142 . Abra G J 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Dr. Abra is the best professor at UCSB! He is passionate and his classes are very intriguing. His lectures are incredible and he has great research backing up his claims. He is engaging and I like how he does not use powerpoints, but makes it clear what you need to know for the exams. Do the readings for sure and come to class. There's no busy work

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COMM164 . Abra G J 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Dr. abra is the best prof i have taken. I have taken multiple of his classes, he does not use power points and talks out loud but makes it very clear what you will need to know. He is passionate. He has an authoritative tone but its just how he talks. Do the readings or you will not do well, they are usually manageable.

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COMM142 . Abra G J 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Abra is the best Comm professor I've had at UCSB! He knows exactly what he is talking about and his course content easily reflects on day-to-day lessons, I find myself telling my housemates stuff he has mentioned in class. He is funny and has great rapport with his students. His classroom remains full throughout the quarter-- a great sign. Love him

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COMM164 . Abra G J 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

His midterms are based off the lectures & the readings. The readings are super dense and he also don't have slideshows so all we do is write down everything he says.

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