Jacob Serup

19 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Test heavy Get ready to read Hilarious Participation matters Caring Graded by few things EXTRA CREDIT Lots of homework Respected Accessible outside class
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PSTAT120B . 6 Years Ago

Lectures were hard to sit through without dozing off and he barely went over any applicable problems or examples in class. He mainly put on slides of proofs or formulas that we could already find in the book. Tests were doable but came out of 120B barely learning anything. Would not recommend this professor.

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PSTAT120B . 7 Years Ago

A lot of people didn't do well, but if you practice the homework problems and make a good notecard you should do fine. I ended up getting above 100% because of the curve. He teaches everything you need in lecture but the book is a good supplement and reading it actually helped.

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PSTAT109 . 7 Years Ago

My boy Jacob is a legend. The tests were very similar to his practice exams (still difficult), the curve was FAT, and Jacob's lectures were entertaining. Anyone who got less than a flat B in this class (below the median) obviously was among the 150 or so people who skipped basically every lecture lol...

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PSTAT109A . 7 Years Ago

Second time retaking 109A, Serup had more difficult testing, but much more lenient on curves. He wants people to pass the class, and as long as you do the homework, ace the quizzes and have good attendance, he will do whatever he can so you pass the class. His tests are very difficult in terms of time, so practice working quickly so you can answer

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PSTAT120B . 7 Years Ago

Pretty hard class. Attending class, attending section, doing homework, and reading the textbook is required to get a good grade. I recommend going to office hours. Lecture was not mandatory but attending is recommended because he doesn't upload lecture slides until after the related homework is due. I learned a lot in this class however.

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PSTAT120B . 7 Years Ago

He's not the best lecturer, but he goes along with the textbook so you can easily catch up if you read. Work hard, do homework, and read the textbook. You can go to lecture but he is quite confusing and his handwriting is not legible so I honestly don't think it's mandatory.

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PSTAT120B . 7 Years Ago

Uninspired lecturer who somehow makes his own simple slides confusing. Lecture is useless. Read book. Read lecture slides. Worst of all. He lost my second Midterm and after days of being yanked around by him I finally got an appointment AFTER the FINAL to discuss it. He never showed and I had to leave the next day back home. I have no kind words.

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PSTAT120B . 8 Years Ago

He is a very nice professor. This class was really hard, and the material was difficult to understand. People who want to take this class should prepare to read and attend office hour. He was very helpful during office hour, and he told us what will be on the test before test day. So you will do well if you study hard.

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PSTAT120B . 8 Years Ago


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PSTAT120B . 8 Years Ago

Jacob is not so bad. He frequently cuts slack: extends homework deadlines, gave us the option to overwrite our midterm with the final. His laptop broke mid-quarter and he started lecturing from the board which was better than slides. Tests are hard but fair (aka study hard and you'll do fine). He admits to curving more leniently than most in Stats.

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PSTAT120B . 8 Years Ago

I found this guy to be a lot better than past reviews make him out to be. Sure, the class is hard, but it is definitely possible to do well; many people got over 100% on the midterm.

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120B . 8 Years Ago

Jacob is great, I understood 120B WAY better than 120A and I don't understand all the hate. His tests are just like the homework and honestly he has a great voice. "And that's the name of the game"

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