Dana Mastro

12 reviews
Clear grading criteria Would take again Caring Amazing lectures Inspirational Respected Test heavy Tests? Not many Gives good feedback Graded by few things
Past quarters


COMM103 . 4 Years Ago

Mastros class was easy but also very interesting. Your grade is just based on 3 tests that pretty much just cover what she talked about in lecture. Read over your notes a few times and youll be fine. She posts lecture outlines online before class, so you just have to fill in the blanks. I would highly recommend taking her if you get the chance.

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COMM103 . 4 Years Ago

shes awesome! take her! There is only three classes. Just study the notes, no need to do the reading - just based on lecture!!

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COMM103 . 5 Years Ago

Amazing professor! I also took COMM 113 with Mastro. Straight-Forward class and lectures are easy to outline. She also posts the notes on GauchoSpace so you can follow along and fill in the blanks. There are 3 exams, which are fairly easy if you reread your notes multiple times. Questions are straight off lectures. The material is very interesting!

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COMM113 . 8 Years Ago

Lectures are very straightforward and easy to outline. The material is interesting, there is just a lot of it so it's important to take good notes and look over them often. Tests are super fair and taken directly from the notes and readings. Just read your notes a bunch of times before each of the 3 tests and you'll do great. Fast grader.

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COMM103 . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Mastro is the most professional & respectful professor I have experienced at UCSB. I have taken all classes she has taught & I remember everything she he lectured on. She engages the students. It is not a cake-walk, but the work is worth it. She is fair and unbiased, and actually does research on what she lectures on. The best Comm professor!

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103 . 8 Years Ago

Take this class! Extremely interesting material, all relevant. No textbook, readings through GauchoSpace. While she is incredibly knowledgeable and very well spoken, she doesn't believe in tricky tests/jargon - her material is straight forward (and easy). She's very friendly, loved her and hope to take her again!

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COMM113 . 8 Years Ago

Amazing Professor. Dr. Mastro's lectures are always interesting. Any research is thoroughly reviewed. Study the notes, do the readings.

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COMM111 . 9 Years Ago

Loved this class Lectures were interesting and kept my attention. Mastro went through lectures fairly quickly and did not waste any class time. Exams were straight from lectures, with some questions from the textbook. The text was fairly interesting as well. Great teacher, great class.

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103 . 9 Years Ago

Took this class over 3 weeks during the summer. Great teacher Slides are very wordy, but the tests are straight from lecture, with some questions from the readings. Not too many readings, either. Pretty easy A if you study and take good notes Interesting content, too. Would definitely take again

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COMM103 . 10 Years Ago

This class if great! Lots of knowledge on the history of race/ethnicity in the media. Very easy class with most of the test questions on the lecture notes. Easy A.

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COMM103 . 10 Years Ago

Mastro is the best. I love her so much great class. Here test are fair just go to class take notes abad you will be fine

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COMM103 . 10 Years Ago

Favorite comm professor at UCSB. She actually cares about her students, and gives clear lectures that she also posts online. Mostly memorization on the exams but the best part about Mastro is that she will NEVER try and trick you (says that is not a way to measure knowledge) HIGHLY RECCOMMEND

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