Professor Chen is an amazingly sweet professor. He does have a thick accent, but that does not take away from him being an amazing teacher. You get used to it pretty quick
I had him for both 3B and 6B, and when I first went to his classes for 3B I was freaked out since he has a very thick accent and I thought I wouldn't understand anything, but after having other math teachers I realized Chen is actually great. His lectures notes are very relevant and organized, and his tests are exactly like his homework problems.
Straightforward material. A little hard to understand but teaches straight from the book. gives a notecard on the midterm and final. Tests are exactly like homework. Go to CLAS and you will be fine!!
Great teacher. A little difficult to understand at times, but his lectures were extremely organized and the homework followed exactly from his lectures. He writes all the notes out on the board very clearly, which proved to be very helpful. The curve is also very generous. Highly recommend taking him!
BEST Math teacher I have had yet and I am now in 6A. Although a little hard to understand at first, he wrote everything down on the board and always gave great examples. He is super helpful in office hours and tests are straight forward. He is so nice and understanding if you had a late assignment, and funniest laugh! I recommend him to everyone!
He is a little hard to understand in lecture, but it makes it entertaining, his tests are exactly like the homework, so you know what to study, he also lets you use a cheat sheet!
Terrible professor; gives a bad grade, yet i scored very very high on the midterm and did pretty badly on the final yet ended up with a C; should have arrived at a B based on the average scores. Not understandable and gives a non-credit homework on the end which he tests you on and no other parts of the homework; a terrible style of testing. Bad.
Best best best teacher you can ever sign up for a math class with. His tests are based off the homework and he makes them extremely doable. He allows you to have a cheat sheet! And he's so nice!
Chen has very legible handwriting and is clear with his examples and in lecture. I recommend going to lecture and the textbook isn't necessary. Has very fair tests. As long as you do the homework's you should be fine.
Good professor with neat handwriting. Going to class is helpful, but not absolutely necessary. Entire exam had a weird curriculum - 40% Midterm 1, 60% Final. If you do homework you'll be fine though.
I highly recommend! The only bad thing is that he's usually assigned the lectures at 8AM, but if you manage to wake up for class, take notes, and do the webwork, you're in for a solid A or B. He's really helpful, and his midterms and homework sets are very easy to do and are very similar to one another.
He's a great professor! The homework questions are relevant to the tests. He has neat hand writing. He even extends HW due dates on holidays! He is probably one of the best math professors I've had at UCSB.