Laura Robinson

13 reviews
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LING80 . 10 Years Ago

Very easy class, only weekly readings and 500 word essays, two 1000 word essays for midterm/final, no tests. No textbook, mainly based on videos/discussion in class so go to class. Laura is a great professor.

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LING20 . 10 Years Ago

Super cool class. Didn't read the book at all. Prof Robinson was really down to earth and managed to have a homey 150 person class where everyone was comfortable to speak up and ask questions.

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LING20 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Robinson was amazing! She was so passionate about actually teaching and she really wanted us to do well! She had VERY clear lectures and everything that we learned was so interesting! She definitely knows her stuff!

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LING20 . 10 Years Ago

Awesome professor, enthusiastic about the subject, uses fun examples, all around good class.

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LING20 . 11 Years Ago

Amazing class! High recommended, assignments are fairly easy and require little studying. Textbook is very helpful as well as the midterm and final study guides she provides. Professor keeps the class engaged and there is rarely a dull moment. Definitely increased my interest in Linguistics.

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LING122 . 11 Years Ago

Very clear, not incredibly well-versed on the subject but goes out of her way to be prepared for any questions she gets. Attendance is by iclicker periodically throughout the class, careful not to miss one or your participation grade suffers. Midterm and final incredibly easy. She's thoughtful about how much work she gives as well.

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LING122 . 11 Years Ago

She was enthusiastic about the subject and was fair about grading and policies. Attendance was recorded with i-Clickers, but the i-Clickers were also used for feedback about the reading and homework, and to assess what the class knew vs needed to review. The online forum was great for discussing the readings. I highly recommend taking her classes.

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LING20 . 11 Years Ago

Laura is by far one of my favorite professors at UCSB. She is extremely clear with her expectations and her lectures are very easy to understand. Attendance is mandatory. If you go to class and do the work, you will easily do well on the midterm and finals. I highly recommend her.

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LING80 . 11 Years Ago

I LOVE Laura! She's very passionate about the subject and it shows. She's super friendly and approachable and all around my favorite professor that I've had at UCSB!

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LING20 . 11 Years Ago

Easy GE. Makes the class interesting. Exams aren't hard. FInal is not cumulative. Homework is really easy. Do the readings.

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LING20 . 11 Years Ago

A really interesting class! Laura is friendly and funny. She is good about not assigning homework or readings that are too long or unhelpful. I usually don't do the readings for my classes, but I found it helpful to actually read for this class. We did iclicker questions in class but sections weren't mandatory.

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LING20 . 11 Years Ago

Great class. Professor is clear, uses humor, varied media, guest lecturers--does a great job. Textbook costs very little. Most of the TA's are also wonderful.

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