Joshua Moss

7 reviews
Tough grader Get ready to read Would take again Respected Skip class? You won't pass. Tests are tough Inspirational Lecture heavy
Past quarters


FAMST113SS . 8 Years Ago

I really liked prof. Moss! This class' material and content was really easy, and we watched many good action movies which were always entertaining. Lectures are really long because each class includes a screening. YOU MUST DO THE READINGS TO PASS. All his tests ask very detailed questions about the readings, so read and memorize important concepts.

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FAMST166TV . 8 Years Ago

Professor Moss gave funny and interesting lectures, reminds me of Ted Mosby. Reading and studying is imperative for the midterm and final, long research paper at the end of the quarter but it is not graded too harshly. I enjoyed the class and would definitely recommend professor Moss for any class.

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FAMST166TV . 9 Years Ago

This class was hands down the most interesting class i've ever taken in my entire school/college career. Moss is very enthusiastic & clearly knows a lot on the topic. It is NOT an easy A though. Midterm, final, and paper are really tough. Also, DO YOUR READINGS!! You will not get a good grade if you don't. Class was challenging, but very rewarding.

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FAMST166TS . 9 Years Ago

He's a really good lecturer, but the tests are a lot of memorization and the paper is not fun. It's an interesting class. Not an easy A.

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FLMST155WA . 11 Years Ago

loveee him! most passionate and interesting professor I've had so far!! seriously everyone clapped for him at the end of his last lecture it was awesome. I took the Woody Allen class and you should too.

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FILM165CB . 11 Years Ago

One of the best film professors I've had at UCSB. Fun professor with a lot of knowledge in the film industry. Definitely recommend his classes. Just show up to the screenings and pay attention to lecture and you're solid for his exams. He's also a fair grader!

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FLMST113SA . 11 Years Ago

Easy-going professor, class is very casual. Script analysis, mid/final and 5-7 page paper, most of the class is just watching action films. He is an easy grader so you'd have to try hard to fail the class. Take Moss!

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