David Low

35 reviews
Inspirational Respected Amazing lectures Caring Clear grading criteria Accessible outside class Hilarious Gives good feedback Lots of homework Lecture heavy Graded by few things
Past quarters


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MCDB 101AH Low D A Fall 2021 Total: 36
MCDB 101A Low D A Fall 2021 Total: 203
MCDB 194BG Low D A Spring 2020 Total: 19
BMSE 230 Low D A Winter 2020 Total: 5
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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

This man is by far the best teacher Ive had in this department. His lectures are taught with such enthusiasm, that you cant help but what to learn. He truly cares about you excelling in his class, so take advantage of all the resources he posts. He posts his past midterms, which were the practice problems that probably helped me the most.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

Low is such a gem! He truly loves what he teaches which makes class exciting and enjoyable. Do all the reader problems and ask questions and the tests will be fine. He tells you exactly what to study and what to expect for his exams. He is very accessible outside of class for office hours as well.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

Amazing guy! Low really cares about his students and truly wants the best for everyone. However, I found that lectures were confusing in the way that the slides and information was presented. If you work for the class you will succeed, do the practice problems. The material is very interesting!

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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

One of the best professors at UCSB. Very funny lectures and tests are straight forward as long as you do the practice problems. Wants all students to succeed and he focuses his lectures on important concepts so you have a pretty useful bacterial genetics foundation on leaving his class (not just trivial information)

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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

David is a great guy. His lectures can be a bit scattered but if you email him he will help you and even cover the material again in lecture because he wants everyone to understand and succeed. Hes brilliant but not condescending and you can tell he cares more about teaching than he does about research event though he gets millions in grant money

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MCDB101A . Low D A 4 Years Ago

Dr. Low is a brilliant and passionate researcher and teacher. His sense of humor shines through in his engaging (and recorded) lectures and the compassion expressed for students' grade anxiety raises him above any other MCDB professor I have had as of yet. The resources provided make the textbook supplementary, and exams are very straightforward.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 5 Years Ago

Professor Low goes above and beyond to help his students and make sure they succeed. He's a real gem and in addition to being a great professor, he gives great advice. If you pay attention in class, do the reader problems and readings, and go to office hours, you should be fine.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 5 Years Ago

David is a really humble guy and truly a good professor. He understands that the things he teaches can be quite difficult. He is really fair and strikes me as the type of person you could talk about the meaning of life with. Read the lectures before class so you don't get lost/bored. Do the reader questions. Watch his online videos!

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MCDB101A . Low D A 6 Years Ago

Do ALL his reader problems. Try to get his practice tests from the previous years as he pulls them for the midterms he will use in the current years. Great professor overall though, really cares about his student but getting an A was a bit difficult.

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101A . Low D A 6 Years Ago

Honestly my favorite prof I've ever had. He really cares about your learning not just about getting through slides. Was sad when this class had to end.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 7 Years Ago

Has a reader that has an insane amount of practice problems and he goes over how to do them in lecture. Do all of his reader problems and it's a pretty easy A.

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MCDB101A . Low D A 7 Years Ago

He's a good man and he really does love genetics, but he isn't a very good professor. His lectures are incredibly convoluted, and I almost always walked out of a lecture more confused than I was before. He writes note on the board in stream of consciousness, so don't expect to understand anything you write down. Tests are easy if you do problems.

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