Took him for Astro 2, not 1, but that wasn't an option on here. His lectures are fantastic and he's great at explaining concepts. Tests are long and multiple choice but are not hard at all if you read the book and go to lecture.
i like him. hes fun.
This guy is cool. He is young and enthusiastic. He is knowledgable and lectures the book material well. To do well you really should read the book material assigned. There is hardly any math in the class. Multiple choice tests make it nice and 80% is an A and the average on the midterms were around 78%. Easy math and science class.
Didn't freaking tell us there was going to be a solar eclipse.
He seems nice. The class is fairly easy IF you do the hw which is due every Monday at the beg. of class. He gives a review sheet for both midterms so far. He used a clicker which doesnt make it mandatory to go to class, but if you miss overall clicker responses are only 5%. Take only if you plan on working on hw and reading.
Prof. Howell is an excellent teacher and made it one of my favorite classes at UCSB! He focuses mostly on concepts rather than a ton of math but there is still physics involved but it's basic. CLAS was extremely helpful to explain concepts. Take Kelli she is amazing! Read book and take good notes. With curve, got an A+ :)