Chela Sandoval

14 reviews
Inspirational Would take again Respected Get ready to read Participation matters Group projects So many papers
Past quarters
CH ST 151
60 / 60 Full
De-Colonizing Feminism
Chela Sandoval 2.8
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
CH ST 251
4 / 15 Enrolled
De-Colonizing Feminism
Chela Sandoval 2.8
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
See All
CHST158 . 2 Years Ago

Beyond insulting, I should have reported her. Class on spoken word, a few weeks into the class one of my classmates tells me that the second day of class she had asked the group (before I got here) to vote on if I should be allowed into the class. Why? Because I'm white (rest of the class was LatinX). Ironic b/c I was born and raised in Mexico.

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CHST151 . 2 Years Ago

She pretty much just gets up there and talks about whatever comes to mind for the entire lecture and Im not kidding. The student panels that happen later in the quarter are valuable. The grading is non existent and they give you whatever grade they think you deserve and dont expect her to show up for office hours or respond to emails ever. AWFUL

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CHST151 . 2 Years Ago

Weekly essays called SWAPAs which she will not explain nor will she give guidance on until later in the quarter. She goes on long tangents and uses academic jargon that makes absolutely no sense. She will frequently interrupt you when you're speaking, so be prepared to never speak a full sentence in this class without her having an opinion about it

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CHST151 . 4 Years Ago

Have to turn in 2 one-paged papers a week called SWAPA's. Chela as a professor is eh at best. She goes on long rants about nothing and does not like to be challenged. For everything that she preaches, she doesn't really actually practice it in real life. This class is just exhausting, but it was a great learning experience so I recommend it.

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CHST151 . 6 Years Ago

Chela is wonderful. In this Decolonizing Feminism class she really has you think about what counts as knowledges and gets you to tap into parts of yourself you never thought mattered. Wonderful class that makes you rethink a lot of things you have been taught. Great atmosphere and definitely memorable.

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CHST101 . 8 Years Ago

She is a very inspirational professor who reflects here immense knowledge on the way she teaches and approaches her classes. Open minded to different ideas, in her words, she learns as she teaches. Encourages every single one of her students to grow to their highest potential.

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CHST185 . 8 Years Ago

Chela Sandoval is a great, motivating professor that teachers a lot about decolonial thinking. At first. I thought was going to be tough since it was my first time taking a theory class but she walks you through the theory reading. Her class consisted of weekly reflections on films and reading, group project, and final refelction

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CHST . 11 Years Ago

Way too many tangents, unclear most of the time, she is highly published but just WAY too intense in class.

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CHST151 . 12 Years Ago

Mental, physical, emotional roller coaster of a course that will leave you shaken in the best way possible. Don't be scared to begin the decolonization process.

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CHST158 . 14 Years Ago

CHE is an amazing professor. Her method of teaching is spiritually, academically and personally transformative. She has given me the ability to de-colonize my being as well as the courage to apply to grad school! MUST TAKE! <3

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CH . 18 Years Ago

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CHST101 . 20 Years Ago

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