Cedric Robinson

28 reviews
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BLST172 . 8 Years Ago

You will learn to think and apply material. Best experience you will ever have.

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BLACK170 . 8 Years Ago

Best professor I ever had. He really makes you think and draw conclusions based on information presented or not presented I had the opportunity to research with him and it was one of the best experiences I ever had. He was a great mentor!!!!! Thank you for everything. World class professor.

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BLST170 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Robinson is the epitome of wisdom. He breaks down the racial regimes influence in politics, culture, and economics in the most unlikely of cultural mediums: film. I am a political science major but learned more in this one class than I have in my entire pol sci undergraduate study. Highly recommend, he will free your mind.

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BLST170 . 12 Years Ago

He really knows what he is talking about but he tends to get lost in his thoughts and sometimes what he says, although brilliant, can be written off as rambling. Easy class- you'll get what you put into it. Take home midterm and final comprise your grade. I went to 1/3 of the lectures and watched the films on Youtube and got an A. Great GPA boost.

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BLST140 . 13 Years Ago

Lecture is slow, but very informative. Prof. is very helpful and funny. No tests, just two 5-6 page papers. LOTS OF READING!

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BLST5 . 13 Years Ago

One of the most prolific professors at UCSB. Each lecture, mind = blown, mesmerized. I feel very fortunate to have been able to experience his classes/be in his presence. Unparallelled writer too - I've cited his books in numerous papers for other classes since. Mystical while lecturing, friendly/funny/helpful in person, like a living encyclopedia.

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BLKST170 . 14 Years Ago

Reading is a must. Only 2 grades, term paper and final paper. All dependent on reading, and movie screenings. Lectures reinforce the concepts, most people attend.

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BLACK170 . 14 Years Ago

One of the best professors on campus. Smart, funny, and extremely intellectual. You do not have many opportunities to take a black studies class with someone who actually lived through the Civil Rights Movement.

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BL5 . 15 Years Ago

Pretty easy class, you only need to read or go to lecture. Not really both. Just a bunch of papers, no final. Meets a lot of GE

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BL5 . 15 Years Ago

Very VERY Interesting class but beware very difficult but definitely worth it. Lots of reading, at least 5 novels on random topics-minstrelsy, flim etc. He is brillant and a genius to be sure. Make sure you know your TA and KEEP UP ON READING..Reading is heavy, deep but soo good. TAKE THIS CLASS! Lecture=amazing and he's funny.

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BLST5 . 15 Years Ago

Heavy academic reading for lower division course. Lectures include current examples to relate otherwise obscure historical phenomena, but that can be confusing if you're not used to it. Go to office hrs with specific questions and he will customize discussion to help you write your papers. He is a genius, so you might get lost in lecture.

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BLKST5 . 15 Years Ago

although professor robinson knows what he is talking about, he is really hard to follow. attendance is not required AT ALL. what he says in lecture doesnt help with the papers he assigns. take another teacher.

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