Diana Palenzuela

6 reviews
Past quarters


SPAN126 . 10 Years Ago

This class is so easy! Literally all you do is watch movies in class. Movies are in Spanish or Basque with English subtitles. Attendance is mandatory and 10% of grade. 2 essays (which she grades pretty hard!) and a short easy final. Do well on the essays and it's an easy A.

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SPAN4 . 12 Years Ago

She is a very good teacher and kind person. She goes over things slow and tries her best to help all. It was a little different than usual though because she is from Spain. A very unique and cool person overall though. You are lucky if you get her as your professor.

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SPAN153 . 12 Years Ago

nice class, very interesting. attendace was mandatory but there were no quizes or in-class exams (there were manageable take-home exams).there was no textbook, but she always had handouts and interesting videos. she's very pretty

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SPAN153 . 13 Years Ago

Great teacher an great person. She did her best to teach us her culture, and I found it really interesting.

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SPAN153 . 13 Years Ago

Great teacher and person. She did her best to teach us her culture and I found it really interesting.

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SPAN153 . 13 Years Ago

She's a fairly reasonable instructor. Just show up to class, take notes, participate, and study for her assignments and you should do fine. I would definitely recommend this class. You won't find a better instructor for this class than her.

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