Douglas Bush

4 reviews
Past quarters


MCDB1ABL . 9 Years Ago

His lab manual is really unclear, probably the most confusing one I have ever encountered. This makes the experiments confusing to deal with too. However, if you want to pass his quizzes that account for 75 percent of your grade, you need to study every little detail off of that lab manual. Not even kidding. He will throw any little thing at you.

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MCDB1ABEEMB23 . 10 Years Ago

This guy is the worst. Doesn't actually teach either the labs or the lecture but somehow is in charge of all the grading and grading scales. Is incredibly unhelpful and makes it difficult for students.

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MCDB1AL . 11 Years Ago

Bush doesn't actually teach lab, but is in charge of it. He's a nice person, but the lab manual is unclear, & your grade is heavily based on difficult exams that don't clearly relate to the labs. The experiments are interesting, but unfortunately aren't worth too much of your grade in comparison to the 2 midterms & 1 final. Lot of work for 1 unit.

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EEMB2LAB . 13 Years Ago

He's really nice, but don't think the Intro Bio Labs are good. They're NOT. Grades are mostly based on useless, badly-written quizzes that test irrelevant material rather than the important ideas taught during lab. The labs can be very immature and poorly constructed (Natural Selection w/ a deck of cards?). Terrible prep for UD and careers.

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