Benjamin Brecher

2 reviews
Past quarters


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MUS 20A Brecher B H Spring 2024 Total: 14
MUS 20A Brecher B H Fall 2023 Total: 7
MUS A 238P Brecher B H Spring 2023 Total: 6
MUS 20C Brecher B H Spring 2021 Total: 8
MUS20A . Brecher B H 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Worked on one piece (art song) over the entire quarter, covering how to learn a piece, classical vocal techniques (voice projection, vibrato, breath support), ornamentation, with one end-of-quarter performance. Feedback may be limited but prof genuinely wants to help. Not actually passive-aggressive; never means things personally with criticism.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
MUSA238 . Brecher B H 10 Years Ago

The most negative, passive-aggressive vocal program I have ever witnessed. Students need to stand up for themselves. Being abused does not prepare you for the real world.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful