Ann-Elise Lewallen

10 reviews
Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy EXTRA CREDIT Beware of pop quizzes Caring
Past quarters


EACS4B . 3 Years Ago

Prof Lewallen teaches the Japan weeks and is really nice and available to talk to during office hours/after class. I took this class online during COVID, and they offered 12% of extra credit this quarter, which probably wouldn't happen again(midterm average was 68%). Be ready to do a lot of readings, attend lectures, and write (midterm and final).

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EACS4B . 5 Years Ago

This class was taught in conjunction with another prof. I preferred when it was Lewallen's week to lecture. Her slides aren't too text-heavy, but contain still the main points. It makes it easier to actually listen to what she's saying to take additional notes. Material is interesting and presented in a clear, easy-to-understand way.

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EACS145 . 6 Years Ago

The most underrated professor in the Japanese program and one of the nicest professors at UCSB. Her lectures are important but the readings which may seem dense are supplementary for the most part. As long as you follow her lectures and instructions, you will do extremely well.

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EACS140 . 7 Years Ago

So I was taking her class and it was quite a lot of readings. She did not offer too much notes on her PPT so students needed to pay a lot of attention. She is very strict, which can be good and bad. If you are willing to take an essay class, do not take her class, because you really need lots of efforts.

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ANTH191 . 8 Years Ago

She's a nice lady who means well. You can tell she is really passionate about the topic but goes on long tangents and seems to interrupt her own thoughts. As far as running an efficient class where you can understand concepts easily... it's not the best. LOT OF READING. and she gives quizzes. and takes attendance. Overall, the class is very doable.

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ANTH103B . 11 Years Ago

She is very helpful in working with students and getting to know us personally. I can't believe she went to the effort to learn our names- very impressive. The mini-ethnography assignment was one of the most interesting final papers I've had at ucsb.

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ANTH103B . 11 Years Ago

Pretty easy class. There are two "quizzes", which are basically two midterms and an ethnography as well as online participation. I got a B and never attended lecture. She gives out a study guide that covers the information on the quiz, and meets with you on the project. Hard to fail

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EACS103B . 11 Years Ago

Terrible teacher. Feels like just another useless "researcher" who is forced to teach here at UCSB. In lecture she literally just reads paragraphs from the reading - so don't bother going to class. She picks articles that are all over the place and nothing seems comprehensive over all. I am extremely disappointed in this class

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JAPAN150 . 12 Years Ago

She was a great teacher. She is one of my favorite professor in UCSB. However, she is a hard grader, but still I learned a lot from her lecture.

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EACS4B . 13 Years Ago

The class was fairly easy, the lecture slides are posted online so its not mandatory to attend class, BUT it is helpful! There were two instructors teaching, one week for Japan and another for China. Both were really nice and the material is easy to understand! There are lots of reading, so stay on top of it! (M.Montrose= great ta)

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