Oliver Chadwick

12 reviews
Lecture heavy Tough grader Hilarious Test heavy Accessible outside class Skip class? You won't pass. Tests are tough Caring Get ready to read Amazing lectures Lots of homework Graded by few things
Past quarters


ENVS114 . 5 Years Ago

Great professor! Lectures were incredibly interesting, and he is extremely passionate about soil science. Such a nice guy, really clear during his lectures, and easy to follow.

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ENVS114 . 6 Years Ago

This professor is very nice and funny. He has very dense lectures but he has all the slides available to you on gauchospace. The midterm and final are take home but the grading is a little tough. The book isnt necessary but can be helpful.

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

Class was so boring it was so difficult not to fall asleep. Makes material difficult to understand. It seems like would be an easy enough class but learning about very mundane details about soils and circulation patterns at 8am is actually very difficult. Homework has pretty hard random questions that were not covered.

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

Taking this class was the worst mistake of my educational experience. I am an A and B student and I didn't end up passing this class, but that was also thanks to my "awesome" TA who was absolutely no help. The lecture is boring, the material is extensive, and the homework is beyond confusing. I would not take this class unless you need to.

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

I took Chadwick this fall for geog3B and that class was so hard- he expects you to read the entire textbook and his reading material is quite different from textbook- Im still not sure whether he expected us to learn everything for the exams which are very difficult. Very dry and boring with lots od complicated content that he skips over but tests

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

His lectures make you think the exams are simple but actually they are suffocating. He's a humorous guy but he has the magic to make his lectures boring. The homework is complicated and difficult. He will not give a curve although the average score is super low. He won't give you a study guide although there are plenty of contents covered in exams.

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

Honestly a sweet man, but I regret taking this class. Hoping it wouldn't be as difficult, but it is. The homework doesn't make sense. The exam was a nightmare compared to my other exams. If this isn't your major, don't take this class!

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

DON'T take this class unless you are a Geography major!!!! Chadwick is a nice guy but unless you enjoy geography, you will have a rough time. Lectures are very boring and the material can be difficult and confusing. Expected it to be an easy GE, quite the opposite.

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GEOG3B . 7 Years Ago

Chadwick is an incredibly nice guy but I absolutely cant stand attending his lectures. The topic itself is already boring and he finds a way to somehow make it even more boring. I really like him as a person, I just feel that he can be a bit dry as a teacher.

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GEOG3B . 9 Years Ago

Took land water and life with Chadwick and he is a super nice guy, reminded me of my grandpa. That being said, this class wasn't the easiest. Took expecting to be a more easy class because it's a basic GE, but Chadwick made it challenging. This was nice because I learned more, but requires much more work than expected. Still very good class.

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ENVS114 . 10 Years Ago

I love Oliver Chadwick! Very cute, hilarious old dude. He is incredibly approachable and down to earth, despite how intelligent and accomplished he is! Chadwick is a great human. Soil Science was very boring to me, but the class was fair and easy.

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GEOG3B . 13 Years Ago

I thought he was always really clear. The class is easy enough. There is a lot of material to cover, but it's all in the textbook. His lectures directly relate to the text, so it's worthwhile to go. Overall great intro to Physical Geog.

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