Miller Young

9 reviews
Amazing lectures Get ready to read EXTRA CREDIT Inspirational Caring Beware of pop quizzes Respected
Past quarters


FEMST60 . 2 Months Ago

I love Ms.Young, she is such a strong, inspirational woman and very passionate when it comes to teaching. Her energy is super radiant, and I love how she brightens up the room. Easy midterms and the Final are all online so you can do them at home! Very interesting readings and lectures. You all will thrive in this class:)

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FEM60 . 3 Months Ago

Great teacher, very enthusiastic about each lecture. She did cancel like 4 lectures tho, not too bad. The reading was manageable and you might be able to get away with not reading all of it. The midterm and essay were both take home. I would love to take her again!

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FEM60 . 3 Months Ago

Amazing professor, with interesting lectures. While it's a lot of reading, it's nothing unmanageable. If anyone tells you FEM60 is a difficult class, they didn't do any of the readings or didn't try. It's graded off of one midterm one project and the final. The only mildly annoying thing was that the project was due one week before the final.

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FEM60AND150 . 10 Months Ago

Professor is a great lecturer & the class overall was extremely easy, as long as you do the work you will get an A. However, there were a lot of topics covered that were taught based off opinions of the professor and/or TA. I questioned many concepts they were teaching us & felt as though they were subjective & one sided.

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FEMST60 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Miller-Young is my favvv prof at UCSB!!! Class was so fun and she is such an inspiring person. If you put in the work, you'll get an A. Just keep up with readings. My TA was the best too! Take her class!! You'll probably find yourself wanting to major/minor in fem studies :)

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FEMST60 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Miller-Young is so sweet, definitely the most infectiously passionate fem studies teacher I have had at UCSB so far! Weekly forum posts and short responses are pretty straightforward, lots of writing on the midterm but all interesting topics and definitely easy if you do at least some of the readings.

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FEM60AND150 . 5 Years Ago

Professor Miller-Young is the absolute greatest inspiration in my life. She genuinely cares about the material she teaches, and lectures in such an insightful way that really challenges your viewpoint. Go to her office hours and she will take the time to talk to you and give you help if you need it! It's obvious she loves her job!

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FEM60 . 8 Years Ago

You can skip all her lectures and still pass with an A. She posts her lectures online. Make sure you read the course reader, and have a good understanding. 6 Quizzes overall, 1 midterm and 1 final, and 1 paper. All the same format; essay responses about what you read. She's a great professor too.

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FEM60 . 11 Years Ago

Great professor! Too bad she doesn't teach very often. Very passionate, engaging, open, crystal clear with her answers and overall has a great, bubbly personality. If you get the chance, take her honors section! Easy grader, provided you put in effort and engage in the material.

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