Dean Chen

11 reviews
Past quarters


PS7 . 12 Years Ago

This is a very well run class, lecture is extremely interesting and engaging although I would say you do need to go to almost every single one to not fall behind since you learn a lot in lecture. Broken up pretty evenly among section, midterm, essay, final. overall just a fantastic class, but you have to put some work in to get an A

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PS7 . 12 Years Ago

The professor is a "lecturer" according to the department site but is very knowledgeable about international relations and is also very easy to understand. He posts all the lecture notes online but going to lecture is very helpful. Grade is based on midterm, paper and final. Exams are very straightforward and there is a lot of wiggle room.

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POLSPOLS . 12 Years Ago

Chen is AWESOME. Very clear and concise. All his powerpoints go on gauchospace, but definitely attend lecture because he gives examples for concepts that end up on the midterm and final. Both tests are easy as long as you go to lecture. Book helpful for paper, but your notes should be fine. best TA: Jasmine Yarish. Got an A+ in the class.

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POLS7 . 12 Years Ago

Dr. Chen has a broad knowledge of international relations. I enjoyed going to lecture but I missed at least 3 lectures and still got an A+. His tests are SO STRAIGHTFORWARD just know the stuff on the review sheets and you're golden. Also paper was easy.

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POLS7 . 12 Years Ago

great teacher, makes concepts from the book clear and easy to understand. tests are really easy - I finished the first midterm in 8 minutes with about 2 hours of studying done beforehand. concepts apply to the news too, and all lectures are posted online too. great class, great teacher!

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PS7 . 12 Years Ago

His tests are a little easy and very fair. The powerpoint slides he gives are very helpful and clear. If you study enough and at least skim over the readings, then you will get an A. Go to class, too

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PS136 . 12 Years Ago

Had him for PS136 and 121. AMAZING prof, my favorite at UCSB. Clear and straight forward and truly wants students to do well/understand. Has awkward humor that actually has everyone in the class laughing when he does cracks jokes. Def. recommend!!!

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POLS121 . 12 Years Ago

Great professor; whether you're an IR student or not, it's not too hard to do well in his classes.

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POLS127 . 12 Years Ago

Chen is an amazing professor. He makes IR material extremely straight-forward and easy to understand. His lectures are very well organized and he doesn't assign readings you won't need. He gives out the final exam questions before the exam and he's a very fair grader. Attend lectures and do most the reading; and it's hard not to do well.

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POLS121 . 12 Years Ago

Very helpful teacher and wants students to succeed. His exams are fairly straight-forward, given that he provides a study guide beforehand. His grading is on the lenient side. If you go to lectures and don't really read, you'll be fine.

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POLS136 . 13 Years Ago

He simplifies the readings in coherent slides. His slides are very useful. There are three required books, but if you go to every lecture and read the pertinent parts for papers, it wouldn't be hard to do well in this class. There is no midterm, but 10% attendance/participation, 2 25% papers (3-5 pages), and one final exam.

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