Lina Kim

10 reviews
Participation matters Gives good feedback Respected Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Tests? Not many Hilarious Caring
Past quarters


INT93R . 9 Months Ago

Very good

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INT93R . 10 Months Ago

For INT 180ED- Very unclear in her instructions, poorly organizes her classes. Makes things mandatory but doesn't tell you, doesn't put it in the syllabus. Will try to fail you if she doesn't see you in class. Does not hear students out, will try to rush you if you try talking to her. Do not recommend her classes at all.

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INT93R . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Everything Dr. Kim does is targeted at helping her students. This means that mostly, she will be very brutally honest, so students need to learn to take her comments constructively instead of destructively. She will scare you a little to get you to do something, which proves mostly effective. She can be encouraging when she thinks it will help you.

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INT93R . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Great professor, strict and disciplined but also very caring.

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INT93R . 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Extremely blunt, has no understanding of volume control or basic manners. Always tries to make herself the center of attention. Loves to yell for nothing.

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INT93R . 9 Years Ago

During her lectures, you can sense a very odd condescending tone. She presents herself as being very organized, has neat presentations, but is NOT clear when grading assignments. Her expectations are unnecessarily high and her character is just so poor. Really wishing I didn't take the class...

7 helpful 2 unhelpful
ME14 . 9 Years Ago

When you walk into a Lina Kim class, expect to have the material yelled violently at you.

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
ME14 . 9 Years Ago

Horrible professor, the worst I've experienced. She has difficulty organizing her thoughts in a clear way that students can understand. People came out of lecture more confused than when they went in. Just ignore her and teach yourself everything and you'll be good to go.

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
ENGR3 . 9 Years Ago

Great professor, and she gives us some really important notions about programming. Though sometimes talking fast, she can always answer your question clearly. In short, excellent teacher ever

1 helpful 3 unhelpful
ME14 . 12 Years Ago

She is a really chill and down to earth teacher. Wants to see her students succeed so talk to her in office hours if you can. Not the best teacher at teaching but she's just starting so its understandable. Gave quizzes. Tests are fair.

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