Elizabeth Thoren

65 reviews
Participation matters Caring Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Inspirational Lots of homework Respected Lecture heavy
Past quarters


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MATH4AIBI6AI . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Thoren's inquiry-based classes were difficult but rewarding. Unlike most math courses the students worked together every class, which was fun. The courses provided an excellent foundation for upper-division math.

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MATH3B . 9 Years Ago

She is the best professor I've ever had here in UCSB. I took her math 3A last quarter (2014 winter) and I'm taking her math 3B this quarter (2015 spring). She made calculus much simpler. Instead of letting you calculate, she wants you really understand what is calculus, why we are using this method. She is very patient and helpful. Love her.

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MATH3A . 9 Years Ago

She assigns very "high school" style projects. Lecture is dreadful, she uses i-clickers and asks students for answers. She will wait for someone to answer correctly, so if you value your sanity, speak up when you know the answer.

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MATH3A . 9 Years Ago

possibly worst prof I've had, lectures are boring and you learn nothing while the testshomework are extremely difficult and based on things never taught in class or section. Doesn't explain anything she's doing during lecture, just writes and reads off powerpoint. I do not recommend

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MATH3A . 9 Years Ago

possibly worst prof I've had, lectures are boring and you learn nothing while the testshomework are extremely difficult and based on things never taught in class or section. Doesn't explain anything she's doing during lecture, just writes and reads off powerpoint. Avoid at all costs

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30924 . 10 Years Ago

Lecture is important. When presenting a new topic, she usually first proves a theorem, which can be confusing if you don't know what she's doing, but she then shows you a condensed way to solve the problem. She wants you to actually understand the math, rather than mindlessly solve the problem, and this is evident on exams.

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

If you're the kind of person who immediately grasps unfamiliar concepts with no issue, and who likes to participate in class, this is the professor for you. If, however, new concepts confuse you and you do not immediately grasp unfamiliar material, look elsewhere. She lets the students do a lot of the teaching for her. Oh, and WileyPlus is awful.

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

Lectures boring, but useful. Uses bad online HW system. HW is MUCH harder than test questions. Tests not that difficult if you study a bit. Bi-weekly paper homework assignments for sections also, which were easy. Attendance is not mandatory, but she uses iClicker to judge attendance that counts for 5% of you grade. Overall, shes OK.

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4B . 10 Years Ago

The worst professor I have seen. Always put nothing valuable on ppt.

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

Lectures were boring but mandatory due to iClicker questions. She spent the majority of lecture asking us to work with our neighbors and waiting for us to offer suggestions on how to go about solving a problem. HW was tricky but exams were pretty fair. She wasn't super helpful during office hours so I would definitely recommend signing up for CLAS

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

Best Math professor at UCSB I've had so far. She actually cares about her students. Exams were pretty conceptional but straight forward. The homework is pretty tricky and a lot more numerical than the exams. I would concentrate more on lecture notes and discussions projects to study for the class. If you do the work, you'll do well.

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

She is not the best teacher, her lectures are often confusing and she spends too much time asking for input from students on how to do a problem rather than just showing us how. Tests were what was expected, except for the conceptual questions which were borderline impossible to know unless you literally read and memorized what the textbook says.

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