Dominic Dal Bello

3 reviews
Past quarters


ME15 . 14 Years Ago

Material is not overly complicated or difficult to understand.You can learn all of the material from the book as it is very useful.Gives random quizzes and homework was somewhat long but only gave about 5 HW assignments that you had to turn in.Material on midterms and final was fair and not more difficult than anything you would have seen on the hw

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ME14 . 14 Years Ago

Lectures are helpful but read book and you should be able to master material quite well. Midterms and final resemble HW so make sure to understand the HW really well. Really enjoys teaching and makes attending lecture enjoyable. Would definitely recommend as he is a better teacher than any other professor you would have in the normal academic year.

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ME16 . 14 Years Ago

Gives two midterms and gives random quizzes.Homework can be challenging but prepares you well for midterms and final so work out HW problems on your own. Stay up to date on material so you can do well on quizzes and get an easy 10%. Grades on normal grading scale but may adjust it a bit in the end, usually about 5% so an A would be 85% and so on.

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